Pot as a cure for OAB


Staff member
Based on what I read on this site a couple of months ago I have tried smoking at night as a way to deal with OAB. I typically wake up 4 or 5 times a night to pee. Since trying my new 'cure' four nights ago, on two nights there was no change and on two nights I only got up once. I have no idea why there is such a difference but so far so good.
Curious to hear how many others have tried this and what your success rate is.
Nevee heard of this but please do us all a favor and give us updates in a weekly basus or even a month. Keep a diary of nightly toilet behavior
Thank you and good luck!!
Maymay941 said:
Nevee heard of this but please do us all a favor and give us updates in a weekly basus or even a month. Keep a diary of nightly toilet behavior
Thank you and good luck!!

Will do. Thanks for the good wishes.
Not for me if anything it makes things worse in some ways. I do sleep through the night but wake up stocked.
My experience is that It increasing urine output at night. But I dont have a smoke right before bed either. Probably because I like to enjoy it. Also I drink more water and tend to snack so that may be why. If I take a smoke then go right to bed then I feel draggy and fogheaded the next morning and that doesnt work for me, im too busy. If I have it before bed, 3 hours before I do seem to sleep very well and not get up much if at all probably because im more comfortable or maybe stress level is lower. This is a once a week thing for me most of the time, its a mood lifter I look forward to.
I am trying it specifically for a medicinal reason, so I have a little right before I go to bed (while walking the dog) I do lose the 'enjoyment' factor but if I can only get up once I am willing to make that sacrifice. I don't have anything to eat or drink after smoking so I think that helps.
Fuzzybacon said:
Not for me if anything it makes things worse in some ways. I do sleep through the night but wake up stocked.
I am like you for the most part now, I am sleeping pretty well through the night whereas I used to get up to pee 5 times a night. This is because autonomic neuropathy has finished make me urinary incontinent. I sleep like a baby a lot of nights now, but wake up in the morning having totally doused my diaper. I use NorthShore Megamax blue diapers a lot and some of the novelty printed because they are really good. I found them on Amazon and saw the phenomenal capacities they have and thought I can deal with a printed diaper if they work well. Basically, I feel my skin is still dry in the morning but the swelling capacity is amazing and helps keep my skin dry overnight and they hardly ver leak. The swell and balloon out in the crotch area a significant amount, but that is actually a good thing I feel since that takes the urine away from my skin.
I vape THC oil right before I go to sleep. I sleep generally well but have not noticed that it helps with my OAB.
An update: Last night I had a half-bottle of wine (the sacrifices I make for science) and the pot had no effect on my OAB. I was up to pee 5 times. I guess wine is more powerful that pot.
Stuart, that was funny...the sacrifices I make for science...love it!
Be well my friend, please keep us posted on future experiments and let us know if you have success on any.
Hope you and everyone else here has a great day!
I tried taking small doses of cannabis infused candy during the day, hoping it would settle some GI discomfort. It didn’t improve that. And it didn’t improve my OAB symptoms.
jrpoorman said:
Stuart, that was funny...the sacrifices I make for science...love it!
Be well my friend, please keep us posted on future experiments and let us know if you have success on any.
Hope you and everyone else here has a great day!

Thank you for your kind words. I find this site to be very helpful for me, and I want to return the favor.
Bobsledd i bought my son and daughter Goli brand apple cider vinegar gummies. They both have stomach issues but for their privacy i will not say more.
I can say both said this has helped with stomach issues. One i see with my own eyes.
I have no idea what your tummy trouble is nor do i want to promote potentially quack or placebo products but i like natural remedies and products and apple cider vinegar and water is sn old well known folk remedy but unpslatable so this is my families experience with an apple cider gummy.
I've been smoking weed since I was a teenager....it' hasn't cured me lol.

CBD is being called a miracle cure for just about everything these days, but it's mostly BS. I certainly has medical benefits but there's no evidence it cures or relieves most of the conditions it's claimed to.
I had 4 doctors encourage me to try weed for my pain after I originally broke my leg. It didn’t help. And after my amputation I tried again and it made my phantom pains worse. I gave up after 2 tries. I don’t like being stoned. It did nothing for my bladder issues (although I don’t have OAB. I have a paralyzed neurogenic bladder). But everyone is different and your mileage may vary.
I am sorry that pot hasn't worked for you. I have been using it for about 1 week now. I have a small amount before bed (I smoke while walking my dog). I am having a 50% success rate. Last night I only got up once - I will take that any night of the week. I agree with you when it comes to pot: Everyone is different and your mileage may vary.
Stuaert, if its working for you then thats all that counts! Pnce anight to get up is REASONABLE for anyone!!
Very happy for you for whatever reason this helps!
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