Post RP PSA levels


Staff member
Had a RP in June 2022. PSA level of 10.2. PSA tested in September 2022, result was a 0.09. Retested again this week, result was 0.3. Not what I was hoping for. Meeting with my Urologist next week to discuss. Not really sure what level of concern I should have about the most recent test result. Thoughts anyone?
Most important is what happens over time. Mine never quite got to undetectable level and slowly began to rise over time even though I had excellent pathology results after the RP in 2018. Several scans and tests showed nothing. There was a very small bump that the dr could feel. A biopsy of it showed nothing. A year later after surgery, I went to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN for a special test that only they could do. It showed that there was still cancer, so I had hormone treatment and radiation. Two years after that I am fine and psa has been undetectable ever since. Important to have good Drs and a good radiation team if it comes to that. Wishing you the best.
I had RP in March 22. In June my PSA was.3 and my doctor recommended radiation. After 40 radiation treatments PSA was down to.1. I am scheduled for another PSA in about 3 weeks and am hoping it will be lower still.
I had robotic RP in Sep 2022 - PSA has been undetectable since, but I was stage 3, post-op biopsy.

My Dr/surgeon said that recommended radiation for me since stage 3, but said PSA would not skyrocket all of a sudden. My first 2 PSA's have been undetectable, so I will not consider radiation unless it becomes detectable.

Again, my surgeon said about 60% of men that have RP w/ stage 3 need radiation and 40% don't. Hoping I am in the 40% and will keep monitoring it!

Rp in Sept 2013. Can't remember psa level but never was undetectable. Radiation in Mar 2014. Second psa after Radiation been undetectable since. Only checked yearly now. Some scaring or burning of bladder from Radiation.
Prior to my RP in 2018, my PSA was around 15. Four months after prostate removal, PSA had dropped to 0.5

I was scheduled for radiation about three months later and the Dr. also put me on a Lupron shot regimen (hormone treatment). By the start of radiation, the PSA had continued to drop from what was 0.5 to 0.2. After radiation treatments (around 30 treatments as I remember) the PSA dropped to 0 and has remained at 0 so far (5 years now). They indicate that the longer it remains at 0, the more likelihood of long-term success.
My PSA started to creep up after my RP, and radiation was recommended, along with 6 months worth of hormone treatment. It was a tough recommendation to hear, but not that tough to actually do. If you’re headed down that road, take heart. You've done the toughest part. All the best…prayers sent.
I had RP in September 2022 and was stage 3. My first two PSA have been <.02. Hopefully this will continue
I joined Mayo Clinic connect and there are people who have similar results as you and what they went through. I recommend you join and post there. You will get a lot of feedback. I have learned many things. Wishing you the best Tim
Prior to my RP my PSA was 10.6 I had it done in September of 2021 and 5 months later my PSA was .64. My doctor never recommended radiation but put me on Hormone Therapy, which consisted of a Eligard 22.5 shot every 3 months and Calumid 50 mg tablet taken every morning. The next time I was tested my PSA was .05 then it was .03 and next was down to .01 I just had my PSA tested yesterday and it is now zero. So the Hormone Therapy for sure worked for me and glad I didn't have to undergo radiation treatment. The down side is I'm still incontinent and go through 1-2 pads a day still. Some days are better then others, but still need to wear pads 24/7. At night I only leak a little and can make it to the bathroom in time to pee. Bummer. Doing my exercises as prescribed but still leaking. But at least no cancer!! My doctor put me on Spasmo-lyt 20mg in hopes of controlling my pee leakage a bit. Will see what happens with that. He also changed my shot to Enantone LP 11.25 injection every 3 months. Just hope it all remains zero.
Had prostate cancer 2003. Not sure what RF now stands for, now. I ended up in a Clinical Trial, got tested every which way from Sunday (and Mon, Tues, Weds, - well, you get the idea) and that was prior to the rest. Had had zero 6 months before they found it. So, it was very aggressive. Had surgical removable (Robots didn't exist) of Prostate, then 3 months of Chemotherapy. Went through all the tests again. Six months later: 0.01. Never got a reading ever since that meant anything. Like 0.01, then mostly zeros, which I was told is meaningless. I'm over 75, now. The numbers you seem to show were what I was warned about. You need that doctor's visit. Didn't sound like panicville, but what do I know? Just see that doctor.
By-the-by. That Clinical Study? It was the one where they decided that chemo was needed for after prostate removal. It was supposed to eliminate any stray cells in rest of body that were undetectable. The statistics seemed to work. I read the entire study about 5 years later. Have had quite a number in my support group - which has included newbees - and I thin only one got a repeat. But we are a small community. Then came the pandemoic and I haven't heard how he's doing. A close friend go it before me and survived longer than me, so far.
God Bless.
Hi All:

I had my prostate removed in March 2021. Cancer caused by Agent Orange. PSA tests after surgery every 3 months indicated undetectable PSA. Yesterday I went in for my PSA test and it was .15. I go back for a follow-up PSA test on April 8th. Docs tell me if PSA increases again they will send me to oncologist. My problem, due to colon removal and formation of what is called a J-Pouch, I cannot receive radiation because that treatment may damage the J-Pouch. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
I don’t have the background or knowledge to answer your question but pray all goes well for you. It sounds like you’re due for a break.
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