Please Pray for My Cat


Staff member
Hello NAFC,

Anybody in the world. Please pray for my cat. He has been a guardian angel for myself for the past several months and I can't let anything happen to him.

Things haven't been so well personal wise. I have disconnected with my family and I don't think I will ever be able to repair the wounds of sticking up for myself. Sometimes, I suppose going through health problems and getting pushed into the mud time after time again; you don't have anybody to turn to.

But my cat has been there. He has nudged me and kept me company through some very difficult and lonely times.

Just like you guys have. I've tried so hard to get people to accept me for who I am; and I can finally say that I love who I am. I hate my bladder condition. I hate the pain. I hate that I have nobody in this world who will see the condition and not judge myself.

But that's the wonderful thing about cats I suppose. They are there.

So please pray for him. He needs the prayers. This is the last photo I took of him. Remember how I said I wanted to make my living room a blast from the past. Well I finally did it.

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'll never know dear
How much I love you
So please don't take my sunshine away.

Hello everyone;

Just want to give you an update on our cat. We have to take him to a primary care vet but overall all of his symptoms that have been worrying us and worsened over the past two weeks seemed not out of the usual for a cat with his temperament.

Thank you for the prayers; he had us scared last night. On a personal note, he's kind of like a glue that holds me and my significant others relationship together. And like I said last night - he's been a guardian angel to me in the sense that animals can love us unconditionally regardless of our symptoms or conditions that we suffer from.

Anyway, I start a new job next week so I am looking forward to that. I'm ready to have a stable footing on the ground without feeling harassed by others for who I am and labels. I guess one last thing I want to share is a question of sorts to ask for guidance; prayers are definitely still needed in this regard.

A while ago I shared that I felt harassed by a coworker at a former place of employment who seemed to be a sexual deviant of sorts. He brought up memories from my childhood and things I've only shared in the confidence of others regarding my childhood memories and experiences with humiliation involving enuresis. This coworker would ask me inappropriate questions in regards to my attire - and I think it stems from a situation involving my Dad and Step Mother and possible law enforcement misconduct.

Anyway, another employee from that same establishment sent myself a friend request and replied on a personal post on gay equality with a troll comment.

What do I do in regards to how I feel? I feel sexually harassed but also targeted because I know my feelings as a child are and we're valid. When you deal with a bladder condition and you isolate yourself because you are treated inhumanely by family - there is nothing wrong with trying to find support and I suppose a family to validate your feelings when you feel trapped in the humiliation and shame of how you were made to feel due to PTSD.

For instance, I know out in the UK they have what are called "continence nurses" but in the states they just called them the School nurse. I think overall in the states in general during the time period I grew up in - people who suffered from enuresis episodes were highly looked down upon because I still remember the memories of the closet to the left of the door in the school nurses office right across from her desk where she would take myself to change into a spare set of clothing.

But like I said; sympathy was never given. In fact; because of the culture that was fostered - it's made life hell because of who I am.

Thank you again for anyone who took the time to read my post and pray for my cat.

God bless you -

Blessings in Christ,
I feel relief that the vet told you that your cat is behaving normally. Your guardian angel is a sweet beauty. Still praying for him and for you.
Kathylp said:
Just be who you are and make no apologies. None of us are perfect. Glad your cat is doing better.

Amen! Thank you @Kathylp. God bless you. It is good to hear from you as always. Hope you are doing well -

Blessings In Christ,
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