Please help


Staff member
So I'm a 17 year old girl who ended up wetting the bed this morning. It's something I haven't done in years so I dont know what to do, and because of it I've been crying all day, I know that will make the anxiety worse but I just cant stop

On top of that, I've been going to the bathroom nearly every hour even though I've been trying to limit my fluid intake and have only had around one cup of water all day

I know I should talk to a doctor but theres no way I can tell my parents about this, theyd never treat me the same again, on top of that I play a sport and Im terrified of what may happen if I try to play it now

Everyone I've read about who has this problem is either way older or way younger than me so I have no idea what to do, please help
Don’t panic, it could just be an infection or overactive bladder or something. If it’s the first time in a long time you should be fine. A lot of bladder issues are totally treatable. It is important that you talk to your parents and doctor about it, because that’s most likely how it would get better. Also, you want to rule out anything more serious.
Sent you a PM. I know someone who is a nurse and helps bedwetters all over. She's probably the best person I know who can help you! Good luck!
Talk to your doctor asap. you need to drink more water so as not to have a concentrated urine in your bladder which irritate the bladder. If you been going to the bathroom every hour it could be sign of diabetes. For your sake I hope not. Good luck
Certainly get a proper diagnosis from a medical practitioner or nurse but while waiting, it would do no harm to drink lemon juice, use vinegar on food or other natural antibiotics such as pickled onions, olives or garlic and avoid coffee, tea and chocolate. If your problem has been caused by an infection, these might not be strong enough so a medical practitioner might recommend Nitrofurantoin or another antibiotic.

Of course, it might turn out that your leakage was not caused by an infection. Whatever it was, I hope it is easily fixed.
First, try not to overreact. If you had one accident and now are having frequent urges it’s possible you have a UTI or something of that sort that can be easily treated.

Second, talk to your parents. Trust me, I have a daughter who is just a year older than you, and even though stuff is embarrassing sometimes, her health comes first. A health problem doesn’t change how a parent feels for a child. I understand the embarrassment because I went through having incontinence at your age, but once I told my parents at that time they immediately went into the mission of trying to help me.

It’s probably a minor issue that can be corrected with antibiotics or oab meds. Just ask for help, maybe your school nurse if you can’t talk to your parents yet.

Good luck.
I'm sorry about the bedwetting incident, but I'm way more sorry and concerned that you feel you can't tell anyone or get medical attention. You need to start drinking a normal amount of water IMMEDIATELY! You will likely end up in the emergency room if you don't, because you are losing essential electrolytes, and that is dangerous.

You need to get medical attention IMMEDIATELY! You need a diagnosis in order to get proper treatment. It could be something as simple to treat as a UTI, or it could be something more serious, but either way, you can't treat it if you don't know what you have.

Please, take care of yourself. If you can't tell your parents, what about a doctor, nurse, trusted relative, neighbor, friend, parents of a friend, teacher, coach or school counselor or nurse. Or a Planned Parenthood clinic. You can call them, if there isn't one near you. I believe their treatment is confidential and free.

I hope you will get the help you need and deserve, and will get better soon.
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