picking my poison.


Staff member
With my trip to Florida tomorrow I have to have a bit of time to get us to medications I have to take. On one side, Merilax works very well but gives me diarrhea. Stool softeners work as well but make everything want to come out all at once. The thing is that the softeners don't do anything for stomach pain. So I am back to taking both together every day like I was before my Ileostomy. So here is the dilemma. If I take nothing then I will get constipated but might have fewer issues during the trip. I was not on anything last time down and on the way back things got stupid with my guts.

I have to take something but it is a guessing game at this point what to do. I am taking both with me but I don't know if I want to risk taking them both tonight or during the trip.
I can attest that Miralax does cause diarrhea. Surgeon wanted me to take just before and then after hernia surgery. I could not get through Zoom calls working from home without having to go. That was couple years ago and was when I was introduced to protection. So I had some left over when the radiation issues started.
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