Physical sensation of leakage


Staff member
How do you not let the physical sensation of leakage bother you? I pretty consistently feel a low vibration or fluid moving out. Every time I feel it it reminds me that life is now different. Going on 4 months and I still notice it every time.
@Rupertino I still feel it after 2 years, but knowing that I'm wearing good protection means that I am able to carry on as normal. I also wear dark trousers so a small leak won't show. What I do still find odd is not being able to stop the flow once it gets going. I guess that my sphincter isn't strong enough any more? Phil
Been at least 6 years, and i still feel it, but my flow is still mostly just a "squirt". If i concentrate, i can sometimes stop it, and certain physical motions will cause it and i can sometimes predict them and prevent them (and sometimes not). If you'll forgive the pun, it pisses me off. (You can boo or groan.) The pads i use pretty much work; that helps the confidence issue, anyway.
There are posts from someone named fynley on Here of a clamp he developed to stop leaks on men look him up. I dont have more info
I like the device MayMay was talking about. I’ve been so busy I completely forgot to order one after talking to the guy. Thanks for the reminder. It’s like a clamp but it’s more of a high tech compression band that can be adjusted. Pretty cool design.
Most of the time my leakage is so slow, like a very slow leaky faucet, that I don't even notice it at all. But when I do get a "squirt" I immediately feel it and wonder how much urine did I just lose? I wear a medium size TENA pad which has good absorption for my slow drip....drip....drip. But with the squirt I start to wonder if my pad will overflow. Not a happy thought!!
I don’t have the sensation of going, I sometimes feel the warm sensation into my diaper. I had back surgery a few years ago and the actual sensation of going to the bathroom happened, while I thought there may be a possibility I could gain control, I started going to pelvic floor specialist. The woman was doing so many different therapies that are possible as well as exercises. I thought it was worse than not knowing I was wetting myself, I would be in meetings and feel myself going could not obviously stop it and felt as if everyone could tell. The worst thing about knowing I was wetting myself was the number of diapers I was going through, I felt every time I wet myself I had to change my diaper. One day boom the sensation was gone again, while I was so hopeful that when I started having the sensation I was somewhat relieved when it passed after trying so hard and did not gain any actual control.
takes time. It's a pretty strong gush for me with severe OAB and moderate to severe urge incon. I lose anywhere from 3 to 12+ ounces at a time, suddenly and with a strong stream. I can slow the stream but not stop it.

For me it took quite a while to learn to just trust my product. I'm still aware of it when it happens but it doesn't interrupt whatever else I'm doing. It just takes time. The key to avoiding embarrassing leaks is to change often. I don't try to go a certain number of hours between changes, though I usually average about 4 hours during the day. Never try to push a diaper to its limits.
For me, I have no sensation of the urine leaving my body. However, if it is a heavier void I can sometimes feel a warm and wet sensation between my legs. Unfortunately, I can completely feel when I am having a bowel accident and yes, it still bothers me. I have learned to pay close attention to internal sensations that a BM might be coming, get to a bathroom and wait. This works about 75 percent of the time, but if I miss the signal, I have no muscle control to hold or stop the void once it starts coming out, just full sensation that it is coming out. It is absolutely a reminder of how different my life is, even after a couple years of adjustment. I try not to dwell on it and be thankful that I have full mobility. I try to be thankful that by wearing a diaper I am able to live what appears to be a normal life to others, but internally I am always keenly aware what is between my legs and when I have a bowel accident I feel guilty that I am subjecting those around me to my problem.
You are doing an amazing job managing your condition. I agree the change compared to months or years ago is something I mourn. Best of luck to you moving forward.
MaineSkier said:
For me, I have no sensation of the urine leaving my body. However, if it is a heavier void I can sometimes feel a warm and wet sensation between my legs. Unfortunately, I can completely feel when I am having a bowel accident and yes, it still bothers me. I have learned to pay close attention to internal sensations that a BM might be coming, get to a bathroom and wait. This works about 75 percent of the time, but if I miss the signal, I have no muscle control to hold or stop the void once it starts coming out, just full sensation that it is coming out. It is absolutely a reminder of how different my life is, even after a couple years of adjustment. I try not to dwell on it and be thankful that I have full mobility. I try to be thankful that by wearing a diaper I am able to live what appears to be a normal life to others, but internally I am always keenly aware what is between my legs and when I have a bowel accident I feel guilty that I am subjecting those around me to my problem.

Have you tried Nullo? I take it daily and it works wonders eliminating odor from bowel issues.
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