Perineum pain ?


Staff member
Hi all! Has anyone experienced pain in that area like I am right after first urination of the day? I get up in the AM and pee (sitting down). It kinda burns at first and then turns to sudden pain in the perineum area. Oh my god is that pain !!! Lasts for a few minutes and then subsides. I’m 14 days post robotic prostatectomy. Anyone experience this ?? :(
Hi Chris M - In my case, Week 3 post surgery was the worst re: pain while urinating. Catheter was removed at day 10 and perineum pain started day 12; Only when urinating. (I had bigger problems with the incision sites though.) I remember thinking they must have removed the catheter too early. Eventually everything healed up fine with no complications. I stayed on Tylenol throughout this period and spent a lot of time in bed.
Thanks JC! They took my catheter out at day 6, thank god….hated it! My incisions have healed up already and have no issues with those. I just recvd a call back from Docs office and nurse said what I feel is normal. She was mentioning bladder spasms, but this pain feels like “a knife in my butt” so to speak. So since I’m only two weeks out, I’ll deal with it as long as no blood and doesn’t get worse. My pads have been pretty dry overnight , but I go thru them while I’m moving around the house during the day. I feel like a leaky faucet.
Chris, I was wrong about my dates. Like you, catheter was removed Day 6 and the pain started right after catheter removal and lasted only about four days. It was similar to what you described. I started Kegel exercises at Day 14 and eventually they did the trick but it took a long time to get continent. Walking also helped. I am virtually pad free now. Surgery was 14 weeks ago. I recommend keeping a log of your progress as its easy to forget. Good luck with your recovery!
I’m almost 15 months post surgery and still get sharp little pains from time to time. Not just in the perineum but kinda all over in that region. Maybe be rectum, perineum, penis, etc. Mostly continent. PSA continues to be undetectable. Still going to have a few questions for the urologist at my next visit in April.
I am 6 weeks post-robotic-prostatectomy and my perineum pain was pretty intense after surgery. It has improved, especially in the last couple of weeks. At first, I was up every hour or two all night for weeks with severe bladder spasms. The pain was literally worse than kidney stones, and it backed off gradually after releasing the pee that had build up while I was sleeping. Also had the burning pain as well. I think it's irritation from the catheter. Sounds like what you're experiencing. I took oxybutynin at night. It really helped at night, but be aware that it can have a rebound affect and exacerbate bladder spasms. I think that happened to me. I stopped it after a couple of weeks and the severe spasms did not continue. Felt better without it at that point.

I suspect the burning and the extreme perineum pain will decrease/go away within a week or two -- although I know that sounds like a long time when you're experiencing it.

Like @Alh63, I get sharp little pains everywhere too, although I'm only 6 weeks out. I'm told it's completely normal and just part of the process of healing.
My catheter was in for 12 days. Exactly 1 week later I got a UTI from the catheter. I've been on meds for 2 days and still in discomfort. Might be worth it to have a urine culture done. UTI's are very common with catheters. As for perineum pain, I feel it when doing kegal exercises. About 5 seconds is all I can hold it. I can stop and start my urine anytime. Monday will be 4 weeks from robot assisted prostate surgery.
Be real careful with pain in the perineum area. i spent 4 months in the hospital after getting a infection called fournier's gangrene because of a diabetes drug jardience.

Don't look it up in google "fournier's gangrene image" unless you can take seeing very gross wounds.
I am a retired EMT and i have problems looking at them.
I am now 7.5 weeks post surgery. All of that pain is couple weeks behind me. I’m back to doing pretty much everything I did before. The only thing left to overcome is the wet pads during the day at work. It’s like a dripping faucet while moving. Overnight and at rest I’m dry…activity brings on stress incontinence. Matter of time I guess.
That sounds pretty normal. At 2 months I was still 4/5 depends a day. At 3 months I suddenly went to 1/2 depends a day. Then went to thick pads, couple a day. Now 6 months and it’s 1 Depends shield light (drips and dribbles) a day. So making progress but wow it’s slow. At 54 I expected to be bone dry in 2 months, found out that is the rare exception.

After the catheter was removed, peeing burned like hell for two weeks. Checked for a uti, I was all clear, finally went away.

Keep it up you’re doing fine.
@ChrisM1967 I think you're doing very well! I'm sure your age helps. I'm 70 and still have incontinence during the day, going thru pads inside a Depend throughout the day, except when I use a clamp (which is uncomfortable but better than dripping all the time). Overnight I have fairly good control and only have to get up once or twice to void.

A note to other readers here, if you have continuing testicle pain, get checked for a UTI. At 7 weeks, I was finally checked for a UTI and they did find bacteria. Cipro for 2 weeks, and I was just retested and confirmed as clear. A UTI can hinder regaining continence, evidently, so insist on getting checked if in doubt.
I didn't have pain in the perineum but have experienced excruciating pain in the lower abdomen spreading to the groin (like a knife going into it). The surgeon's assistant said that it could be a lymphocele but CT Scan came back showing nothing wrong. The pain has subsided somewhat but when I get bad days I take ibuprofen to ease it somewhat. I am 4 months post robotic prostatectomy and feel that I am making progress with continence but it can be good some days and then have a relapse for a day or two. I have constantly kept in touch with my surgeon's office and my urologist so I would definitely suggest you do the same...that's what they get paid for!! Best of luck to you....
My perineum pain has been gone for some time. If you find your testicles really tender, have your doctor check you for epididymitis orchitus. I had that after the UTI infection. If that's your issue, you need a stronger antibiotic.
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