Partners and bed wetting

Alwayswetthebed said:
Hi all

Just interested to know how people deal with new partners and telling them about your bed wetting?

I have wet the bed all my life and I’m 49 years old now

In my experience just be yourself. If a woman finds you interesting it wont be a problem. However it could be used as an excuse if she's not interested.
If you search this forum you'll see a lot of in depth discussions in regards to dating with incon.
My wife is very supportive of me and my need for diapers. I have been in diapers my whole life and I has never stopped me. Yes sometimes it embarrassing but I can’t do anything about it my mom and family have been supportive of me too.
Thank you Jay!
Can you share a bit about HOW you brought the incontinence/diaper up when you started dating, or WHEN you feel comfortable to speak about it? (Might help us learn how to navigate)
Thank you to everyone for your comments helps me to understand why someone I previously dated ditched me when I told her I was a bed wetter x
@Maymay941 hi and thanks. I have been in diapers for a long time. With out support it would have been harder. I was just very up front with them. When I would meet someone new or outside my circle I would tell them I have a bladder problem that I need diapers to control most of them had no problem with it. It did take some time but now it’s no problem I’m very open about my wearing of diapers. I always tell people it better than wet pants.
This might be kind of a dumb idea but my husband and I were actually discussing it for a different reason and it might be an option for this as well. Seperate beds? I know it sounds antiquated, like the Brady Bunch, but after being married for awhile, maybe you find your partner snores, or likes a different comfort level of mattress, or steals the blankets. There are many valid reasons for getting two beds, and this seems like it might be one of them. And if one of the beds was big enough for two, you could still have room for intimacy.
My wife and I now sleep in seperate bed, though my nightly wetting has nothing to do with this. It is because my wife has to sleep on a hard mattress for her back problems.
@Luhalauren I’ve read many a study that says marriages last longer if the couple sleeps in different rooms because then both get plenty of sleep in each of their own ways, so they are well-rested and in a better mood for all the energy a marriage requires while awake - which is a lot of energy! I could never sleep with someone who snores because I have very shallow sleep. Another option is to get an adjustable bed - the kind of king size bed that splits in two so each person can make their adjustments separately. There are special positions just to alleviate snoring, or acid reflux, or back pain, etc. That would probably be my first choice before sleeping in different rooms, because I love cuddling and snuggling so much. It calms me down to hear someone (or something, like my cat 🐈) breathing in their sleep. It makes me feel safer and I sleep better.

When I was married, my ex-husband and I tried sleeping in different rooms because we had very different sleep-wake schedules and I got really tired of him waking me up at 5:00 a.m. when he was getting ready for the day. But I didn’t like having him in another room. It just somehow felt wrong, like we were punishing one another or something. So we quit doing it, until we separated a couple of years later.

There are also studies that say marriages last longer if couples stick to a queen-size bed, because the size tends to encourage intimacy. My marriage dissolved within nine months of us getting a king-size bed, lol. Meanwhile, my parents, even though being obese and my dad having to wear a noisy CPAP for the past 25 years, are still married after 58 years since they started dating at age 15. So maybe there’s something to keeping a queen. I do sleep better on a king, though, even when I’m alone.
I also would feel better on a king with a partner because there would be less of a chance that my diaper would leak onto them than if we were in a queen size, or worse, a full!
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