Pads, 4 then 2 then 1 now 4 ugh!


Staff member
Had a total robotic prostatectomy June 11th. Total dry at night with 4 moderate pads following surgery. Within two weeks I was down to 2. 3-1/2 months later I went to 1 thin liner that would last all day. Was pretty excited. That lasted about 3 days then back to 2 moderate pads and in the last week I back up to 4 moderate pads a day that are getting pretty soaked. I must admit I could be more diligent on my kegals, but things were going well. My daughter is getting married next month and due to Covid we’re having something small at home and I’ve been doing quite a lot around the house and in the yard so that may be part of it. I’m 59 and kinda bummed.? I thought 3 months I’d get back to normal but no. Any thought or suggestions

Hi Jayemcee. I had my RP surgery on July 17th. Seems like I started out with low pad usage for awhile then it went way up. Lately it's been tapering off...about 3-4 a day at about 10 weeks post. I'm cautiously optimistic that it's going to keep improving but it seems unpredictable. I am very busy around the house too and my leakage is greatest while doing that stuff. I'm 59 as well.

From what I've read the 3 month time frame is overrated. Everyone seems to recover at different rates. I think you're doing great. Good luck with the wedding!!
I’m 5 weeks post prostatectomy and at 2-3 depends a day. Dry at night. Ramping up my walking and general activity level during the day and that’s when I have most leakage. Pushed a little too hard too soon and had blood in urine yesterday. Doc said not to worry though. Difficult to be patient with this but we need to stick with the rehab and grind it out. Everyone hang in there.
Hi @Jayemcee, Let's face it! a robotic prostatectomy is still kind of a major surgery and as such it is still an invasion of your body. Even if otherwise you're in good health, it still takes some time to recover from any surgical procedure like that. You're going to have good and not-so-good days as you recover. And everybody, no matter what kind of surgery, has different rates for recovery. There is no one size fits all as far as having a schedule for recovery. No reflection on what you're doing or not doing. That's just what happens.
That said, here's what I would do if it were me. Please don't let up on your kegels. You may be feeling like they take up a lot of time now but the real value lies in doing them daily (or when prescribed) and sticking with that schedule. Set aside a time each day, maybe after breakfast or before bed. I think it's one of those cumulative things in which the longer you keep after it the more effective they will be. You definitely don't want to let down your guard on the kegels by any matter of means!
And here's something I really swear by - walk!!! I'm a big believer in walking. It is great exercise and as low-impact aerobics it will help build up your stamina. Set a goal, say, two miles in 32 minutes and stick to that daily. You'll get to the point where if you skip it for a day you will really miss those walking sessions. Besides it's just a great way to get out and see what's going on and take in sights and sounds you'd otherwise miss by driving.
And here's something else, no matter if it's kegels or walking. Just do a little bit more each day than you did the day before. If you're a bit tired, then just push yourself to take a few more steps. It definitely won't hurt.
Oh, and one more thing....congratulations on your daughter's wedding! That is a proud time for you and it is exciting. So let's feel really good by next month and do your kegels and walk! A bit more each day than the day before! I hope this helps and let us knowhow you're making out!!
I’m 3 months out from surgery and like you some days not so much leaking and other days pretty bad. I’m usually dry at night now which is great. Yesterday I was the most wet I’ve been in a while and it was very discouraging. I thought by now I’d be almost back to normal but obviously I have a way to go yet. I’ve increased my keegals and I’m walking about 4 miles everyday. At the start of every week I say to myself this is going to be the week where I’m going to be able to cut back on pads and leak a lot less only to be disappointed. I’ll keep at it and hopefully start to see a little more improvement over the coming weeks or months. Thank god for the great people in this group. Just when I think it’s me I read here that a lot of us are in the same boat and it’s reassuring to know that I’m heading in the right direction.
Congratulations on your daughters wedding! You’ll be great.
Hi Brendan, seems like you're on course what with your kegels and walking four miles a day. That's pretty awesome, four miles, especially if you can do it every day!! I try to do something like that but then I've got to worry about mundane stuff like shopping :(and paying bills :( so sometimes that cuts into it. And there's also Florida weather, very hot and humid with T-storms but now it's starting to cool off (I hope!)
And if you see some days that are wetter than others, that's all part of the game. Our bladders have minds of their own and if they want to act up they will, and if they want to behave, well, just make the most of it! :D
Wishing you much happiness for your daughter's wedding!
If the Kegals have worked for you in the paat, I hope you will return to doing them regularly.
Wish I could be doing so well. I'm 2 years after my robotic prostatectomy and still leaking considerably. My nights are pretty good, maybe once up to go to the bathroom but usually don't have enough leakage to warrant a depends change. During the day I'm using anywhere from 4 to 6 depends. I walk 2 to 3 miles every morning and try to keep up with my kegels and am hoping at some point to see more improvement. Unlike most people it seems the more active I am the less leakage I have, seems to be worse when I am just relaxing watching tv. Anyone else out this far from their procedure and still having leakage? I'm open to any advice. Thanks
I am 8 weeks post robotic surgery. I have always been dry or nearly dry at night. One depends usually stays dry all night. I was very wet during the day at first and have seen improvement but it is not consistent. Last Thursday and Friday I was almost totally dry during the day but since then I have regressed some. I nhave had about 3 cycles of improvement and then regression. I'm back to 1-3 pads a day now and the problem is not so much getting up and down. Now when I stand up I'm OK but after a few steps I leak - also tend to leak while walking. Today was better than yesterday so hopefully it's improving again. I am walking a mile per day and faithfully doing 60 kegels per day in sets of 20. I am 66.
You are going through exactly what I did. 4 months out from surgery now but had went from 1 shield a day to 3-4 pads after working too hard around the house. As has been said-walking has helped immensely for me. I am actually getting back into my pre-surgery running shape, just remember to be patient. I logged my daily usage along with my walks and it helped on those bad days to see that it was just one or two, but things were improving overall.
Stay with it. I tried taking psuedofed twice a day and that seemed to help too. Placebo? Either way it helped
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