

Staff member
At my 5 week post op, my doc gave me Oxybutnyin at the lowest dose to help with incontinence. Been on it two weeks. Can’t see much difference, if any. Does this stuff help anyone else?
I am just over a year since my robotic prostatectomy and am still dealing with incontinence. My Doctor started me on Oxybutynin three weeks ago and I have had little, if any, improvement with incontinence. I go back to see him after Christmas so hopefully there will be some substantial improvement otherwise it looks like a sling procedure is in my future. I have not given up on my battle with incontinence but I am very weary of pads and disposable briefs. Guess I'm just one of those on the "other" side of restoring my continence after surgery, PT, Bio-Stimulation, and 63,584 (and counting) Kegels.

Good luck!!

At 5 months post prostatectomy, my urologist started me on solifenacin. It reduced my leakage from 30 ounces a day to 20 ounces a day. Each of the OverActive Bladder medicines work a little differently. Your urologist may add or switch you to another OAB medicine.

I measured my pads and kept track so I had solid information on if a medicine was working. When a second OAB medicine was added, the medicine only dropped my leakage by an ounce or two - the cost, benefits, and side effects were not worth it.
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