FLGuy and everybody else! - good questions. Good info. And of course there is a lot more that could be considered. I had a great-uncle who hemorrhaged to death from tuberculosis in 1949 while on the road to recovery. He was overconfident, made a poor judgment and he didn't ask for help. On the way out the door he told the EMS, "For God's sake hurry." But he didn't make it to the hospital.

Most of the things that we are afflicted with could be prevented if we all just stopped our rebellion and learned to reason and cooperate with one another. Everybody wants to be RIGHT. We don't take advice very 'professionally'. We each like to think that our truth is THE truth. We HAVE to listen to each other and that's what I like about this forum. We connect with each other in our infirmities, expressing our frustrations and our discoveries. Most all of the forum posters are kind, encouraging and eager to learn new information. It's better than school!

I think most people in the world have not truly understood that education is the great revealer. I'm not talking about the kind of education where we open up our skull and try to pack information in. In fact we have a plethora of information available these days without going to a school. The education I speak of is the relationships we build, the exchange of ideas and experiments to see what works. I'm so happy to have met your acquaintances!
I just look at the fact - and I believe it is a fact - that we are talking not just death & life, here, but also the lack of quality of life from getting Covid without having been vaccinated. Not real interested in the disabilities, for me. They are serious. Or don't you believe that?
So look at all the numbers and statistics. This IS a case of driving down the wrong side of the road.
Ask yourself: what is the moral issue of claiming a religious exemption - and did you/they only feel this way over Covid? Did you and/or your parents refuse the lifetime of vaccines before this? The numbers that did are darned small percentages.
So. Do you have the right to drive down the opposite lane? What religion give you an exemption from that? Where is it in the Constitution?
Do you have the right to use a hospital with safety? Or is that another "medical freedom" "right" for an antivaxxer to work in a hospital and be unvaccinated? Sorry, I don't accept the excuse that "they" always wear masks and maintain social distance.
The argument is being made that "the issue is a slippery slope" that can end Democracy? Many of us (most?) know that Covid can kill, can severely damage the body, even with survival. Or that we should just get it because we come out of it with whatever larger percentage of better antibodies? Some of us don't come out of it. What if you come out of it with severely damaged lungs?
I do agree there is no point in arguing with the antivaxxers. Which might be why mandates? You got another way to stop the spread? The deaths? The disabilities? Drink bleach or horse dewormer?
Yeah, I'm venting. Tired of being isolated by the "it's my right" crowd. By the crowd that is going to let this go on and develop yet more strains of the virus.
And the next virus...
Somewhere along the way, some one is going to take the antivaxxers to court. Guess we'll see if the SCOTUS is willing to let us kill each other.
I haven't heard, one way or the other. Does surviving Covid correlate with incontinence? You go into a coma, induced or otherwise, they put in a catheter, which may or may not mean you are going to have a permanent case of incontinence. For me, it means an extended period (a couple-three years) of going from diapers to light-duty pads. Thanks, antivaxxers. You buying the diapers for me?
Yeah, but I'm trying hard not to be bitter, and I've lost ones, have a daughter on Chemo when the whole mess started. Her sole venture out of the house, since this mess started, has been a drive or two, in the last couple of months. And if an unvaccinated cop stops her? We need to reach herd-immunity, and I don't mean like that eminent Doctor, the NFL quarterback, says he did it.
A friend just got out of the ICU. She lived. She's in her early 70s. She was trying to take care of a handicapped great grand child. She's in no shape to do that, now. They didn't believe in the vaccine....
So. Does "It's my body, it's my choice" and "I'm constitutionally protected from mandates and vaccines" constitute the right to drive down the wrong side of the road?
Far as I'm concerned, Darwin is being inefficient. A horrible thing to say.
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