My experience with Oxybutynin...
I had my Spinal Cord Injury in 1995 (21yrs old). I was on numerous meds at first but got off all of them. I soon went back on Ditropan (oxy) because I started leaking. The bladder spasms and leaking triggered my Autonomic Dysreflexia (a condition that comes with being a Quadriplegic) and I needed to stop that. So I have been taking 5mg 3x/day for 25 years now. So far...
1. No teeth problems. No cavities.
2. Yes I get dry mouth, but I'm also a mouth breather more than a nose breather.
3. I can't sweat due to my injury. However, I don't even sweat above my injury line.
I wonder if that is a side effect. Even if I didn't take Oxy, I wouldn't be able to sweat below the
injury line.
4. I have very low blood pressure. Normally 60/48 consistently. I never go above 80/65 unless
I'm getting Dysreflexic, then it can hit 260/220. Luckily that hasn't happened in about 20 years. I
wonder if my consistently low BP is also a side effect although most Quads have lower than normal
blood pressure. It doesn't make me dizzy, I roll my manual wheelchair bout 4 miles every morning to
start my day.
Has anyone here tried switching to Solifenacin?
Here's a diagram about Dysreflexia...