OXybutin side effects


Staff member
I am a week on Oxybutin and feel like I'm losing my mind. The dry mouth is so bad, it wakes me up 2 or 3 x's a night. I feel dizzy after taking it and I am still having the same issue with pain. They said I have to give it a month, but I don't think I can. I feel terrible. It is the 1st drug they tried. I just can't!!!
Anyone have similar experience? thank you!

I was dispensed some OAB meds but havent taken them. Instead I had a cysto that showed a bladder lesion (infection) and the doctor said that some of those dont culture and are missed. A round of antibiotics helped 70%!
Then I read on foods that cause problems and kept a mental diary. Caffiene, cinnamon, chocolate and orange juice caused immense pain during sleep, I remembered taking the latter 3 on different nights near bedtime.
The past 4 nights have been great. Maybe your urologist ot PCP can Rx an antibiotic even if urinalysis is normal, especially if it is dark or there is odor
I take 50mg Myrbetriq daily and am not having any side-effects, so that might be a better option for you
Oxybutynin works immediately, as you’ve already experienced. It absolutely does not take a month to start working. You already have your answer: Oxybutynin/Ditropan is hell. The dry mouth it caused rotted each and every one of my teeth in just three years. Dry eyes and dizziness are no picnic, either. I think it’s benefits are slim compared to its severe cons.

I agree that Myrbetriq is a much better option. It’s a new medication. Ditropan is over 100 years old and belongs in the history books. I would stop taking it immediately if I were you.
I'm suppose to take 30mg daily so I know a thing or two about the side effects. Be careful, dry mouth leads to issues with your teeth (I've spent a small fortune on keeping mine healthy). The dizziness isn't permanent and only happens when I stop taking then restart of if my dose is increased.
The ironic part (in my case) is that Oxybutynin does very little for reducing leaking, mainly helps with the painful spasms.
If you're a guy that has sex be careful because it will ruin the ability to get or stay hard, at least in my case but I'm on a very high dose.
Ditropan also interferes with female arousal and annihilates any natural lubrication.

Ditropan is unreliable. Sometimes it helps with OAB; sometimes it makes it worse - more painful, more frequent, harder to go. Very hit and miss. I still take it once in a while, like when I see movies in theaters - just in case it happens to be helpful that day and I don’t have to leave the movie to run to the bathroom every 20 minutes.
Agree with other comments. Side effects don't usually get much better. Let your physician know and see what alternative meds you can try.
Snow, I use a product I get at Walmart, shipped free and less than $10, called Slippery Stuff to help with dryness during sex. My Physical Therapist recommended it because it does not contain chemicals. She told me to never use KY Jelly. Slippery Stuff is water based and the tube I buy is 8 fl oz. I never have any issues after using it.
Oxybutin is a nightmare now I know why iam losing some teeth I going to see my GP to try and get news meds
@Kathylp I have no sex, so I really don’t care about lube anyway. If I did, I would just use much less expensive and longer-lasting coconut oil. But thanks for the suggestion! I agree that KY is the worst!
@snow I stopped it today. I really felt so bad. the thing is, I do not have issues with frequency, leakage, urgency or trouble urinating. I don't have to wear any special garment. It's just this unbearable pain. It is random and I have been trying to find it's trigger for over a year. I have cut out certain foods, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. I was taking Desert Harvest Aloe Vera, which coated my bladder's interior, and I think it helped, but was taking it with so much other stuff.
My problem is severe pain and spasms post urination. My urine cultures come back negative for infection all of the time. I have blood in my urine, and have for a while, but no one seems to care about it. I was scheduled to have a CT scan for the blood found in my urine last week, but am seeing a new Urologist next Wed. so am going to wait. That is interesting about Ditropan being an old drug. The pharmacist mentioned that.
Most, if not all OAB products have major side effects as described in the other posts. This is wht I don't take them on the advice from my doctors
My experience with Oxybutynin...

I had my Spinal Cord Injury in 1995 (21yrs old). I was on numerous meds at first but got off all of them. I soon went back on Ditropan (oxy) because I started leaking. The bladder spasms and leaking triggered my Autonomic Dysreflexia (a condition that comes with being a Quadriplegic) and I needed to stop that. So I have been taking 5mg 3x/day for 25 years now. So far...

1. No teeth problems. No cavities.
2. Yes I get dry mouth, but I'm also a mouth breather more than a nose breather.
3. I can't sweat due to my injury. However, I don't even sweat above my injury line.
I wonder if that is a side effect. Even if I didn't take Oxy, I wouldn't be able to sweat below the
injury line.
4. I have very low blood pressure. Normally 60/48 consistently. I never go above 80/65 unless
I'm getting Dysreflexic, then it can hit 260/220. Luckily that hasn't happened in about 20 years. I
wonder if my consistently low BP is also a side effect although most Quads have lower than normal
blood pressure. It doesn't make me dizzy, I roll my manual wheelchair bout 4 miles every morning to
start my day.

Has anyone here tried switching to Solifenacin?

Here's a diagram about Dysreflexia...
@snow it most definitely is. my worst episode was many years ago in a grocery store when I suddenly had the urge to do #2 and had to rush out of there. my vision became a black tunnel that was getting smaller and smaller. it was like someone was turning the lights off. i never had it like that before. blood pressure was sky high.
The vast majority of people tolerate the side effects quite well. The evidence for that is the number of people who maintain a prescription for them. However, some people find the side effects to be quite unbearable. I am one of them.

Oxybutynin gave me headaches and severe dry mouth. As a lifelong migraine sufferer, the last thing on earth I needed was a headache inducing medication. I tried but only lasted about a week on it. I'd rather wear diapers than take that stuff.

I had similar experiences with about 5 other common OAB meds.
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