Overactive bladder / incontinence


Staff member
Does anyone suffer from adult bed wetting and if so what are some things that have helped? Preferably natural options
What has helped me is cutting out sugar, I replaced coffee with matcha tea and I fast 1 day a week and drink no sodas.
Hi, Im 30, and mine fluctuates, but definitely not drinking any fluids right before bed. Especially, coffee, sodas, and the like or high sugar content foods as RuHappy pointed out. There are natural suppliment from various plants and herbs that can help calm down the bladder during the nighttime. Other then that I just manage it with a good nighttime diaper.
Cutting down on fluids may help,but cutting down too much may damage your kidneys. They need fluids to do their job. Find a happy medium.
FYI I use diapers and plastic pants for my bedwetting, no side effects.
Stay away from caffeine, chocolate, acidic foods, spicy foods, alcohol. In other words, all the good stuff. Your choice. If you're willing to sacrifice every once in a while, go for it.
Hi Vinshapi,
My bedtime wetting started up about 25 years ago at age 40.

I definitely try to avoid any caffeinated drinks hours prior to bedtime.
I don’t avoid beverages though. I’ve given up on that.
I actually have a hard enough time staying properly hydrated during the day, and I always keep a bottle of water on my nightstand.

Sometimes my wife and I make a cup of decaffeinated herbal tea, at bedtime (Honey vanilla camomile, Sleepy time, or Constant Comment) Calming at night and find that it helps in falling asleep.

I’m guilty of sometimes having a few cookies with a glass of milk before bed. Supposedly that’s a no no for a few reasons.
I do notice that when having dairy product, such as ice cream or drinking milk in evening’s in fact makes me pee or wet more that night.
But oh well, it was a yummy addiction for me. Lol.

I also take Flomax in the evening to help with my BPH. I suppose nothing natural about that. I’ve never found it to stop me from wetting at night. It’s suppose to help empty the bladder. I either take it too early or too late. Ha..

It comes down to this for a natural solution for my nighttime wetting:
Wearing a cloth diaper vs. a disposable.
That’s it. The diaper was the best solution.
Comfort and sleep rather than the other.

You’ll find a solution best for you at some point.
I leak 24 hours a day from BPH. I don't soak myself at night but I wake up feeling like went swimming in a pool 3 hours ago. It's more of a damp feeling.
No caffeine or alcohol after 3:00 p.m. As little caffeine and alcohol as possible; I’ve nearly totally removed both. No fluids after 6:00 p.m., including yogurt, ice cream, shakes, and soup. I choose to limit my fluid intake to less than 30 oz. per day. Dangerous to be so under hydrated but not sleeping is even more dangerous. Even taking all these measures, I’m still awake every 5 to 20 to 60 minutes all night long AND still wetting diapers. I’m so sick of it.
I was told by my urologist to stay away from caffeine and coffee, and to keep stress to a minimum.

I know some nights when I have urgency issues - I’ll end up wetting my brief before I fall asleep due to the severe spasms - but normally i go to bed dry.

I do like my Mountain Dew but was told to try to keep that to a minimum and earlier on in the day.

I like most dark soda, but because of severely compromised kidneys, I am only permitted to drink clear sodas and root beer. I don't want to go back on dialysis. I am very cautious on what I eat and drink. Can't eat what I used to. Everything is in moderation now.
Honeeecombs said:
I was told by my urologist to stay away from caffeine and coffee, and to keep stress to a minimum.

I know some nights when I have urgency issues - I’ll end up wetting my brief before I fall asleep due to the severe spasms - but normally i go to bed dry.

I do like my Mountain Dew but was told to try to keep that to a minimum and earlier on in the day.

@Pammy53 Hi there Pam.
There are a ton of natural bladder and urinary health supplements that help to improve not only function but overall bladder health.
Azo Blader Control
D-Mannose 500mg
Nature's Way Kidney &Bladder Health...
Just to name a few.

The following herbs and plants all have healing and rejuvenating properties for supporting bladder health and are often used in many of the different brands of supplements for bladder health. I.E.
Oregon Grape Root
Corn Silk
Raspberry Leaf
Bear berry
Vitamin D
Saw Palmeto
St. John's Wart
Stinging Nettle

These are just a few examples, I'm by no means a doctor. If your interested, do some research online or visit with a naturopathic practitioner to learn more.
I hope that helps answer your question.

In addition to that, as others have said, sometimes it's just healthier to manage the accidents by wearing a diaper. I've tried a bunch of "prescription meds", and they just don't work well enough to justify the horrendous side effects.

Cheers, Bryce
@Walter - Yes, Walter - although I don't drink alot of carbonated beverages - like alot of other people have commented, yes those drinks are NOT helpful. - Pam
Reducing fluid intake is a double edged sword. Yes it does help somewhat with incontinence, but it also can hurt your kidneys. Kidneys need fluids to do their job properly.
Maybe try a water pill. The water pill helps me get rid of fluids. I take it when I know I have access to a bathroom. It works very well for me for about six hours.
BrycetheFyrefox said:
@Pammy53 Hi there Pam.
There are a ton of natural bladder and urinary health supplements that help to improve not only function but overall bladder health.
Azo Blader Control
D-Mannose 500mg
Nature's Way Kidney &Bladder Health...
Just to name a few.

The following herbs and plants all have healing and rejuvenating properties for supporting bladder health and are often used in many of the different brands of supplements for bladder health. I.E.
Oregon Grape Root
Corn Silk
Raspberry Leaf
Bear berry
Vitamin D
Saw Palmeto
St. John's Wart
Stinging Nettle

These are just a few examples, I'm by no means a doctor. If your interested, do some research online or visit with a naturopathic practitioner to learn more.
I hope that helps answer your question.

In addition to that, as others have said, sometimes it's just healthier to manage the accidents by wearing a diaper. I've tried a bunch of "prescription meds", and they just don't work well enough to justify the horrendous side effects.

Cheers, Bryce
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