Lots and lots of us, for different reasons. I was born with an over-active bladder. My parents were extremely good and helpful about it - my father was a doctor. This is a long time ago - I am 78 now. When I was in my teens, the problem wasn't too bad. I had to use bed protection devised by my parents - waterproof sheet plus cotton sheet cover - and my mother knew every public and shop loo in the city (Dublin), for herself as well as for me - she suffered to a small degree from the same problem and so do my brother and one sister. When I was a teenager, there was no protection, or at any rate none that I knew about, on the market, and as I say the problem was not too bad for me then. I would warn the odd friend - if we were going for a long drive for example, if I said I needed the loo, I meant NOW, not in 10 miles' time when we reached the next town! I have climbed over many gates into fields in the country... It only really started getting bad for me around the time I retired, 20 years ago; it got really really bad after I had my first Covid vaccination in 2021. At least there is now good protection easily available for me and people like me.