One handed diapering technique

Hi @ritanofsinger, You have that absolutely right! :D That is what it is all about! It took a few years to get to that point, but hey! It was all worth it, I'm sure! You were indeed very lucky and also very blessed to have been there!
Hi @snow, I think you hit it at ground zero when you said a wife who wouldn't help isn't a wife worth having!!! I couldn't agree with you more! And of course a husband who wouldn't help isn't one worth having as well! :O
And also I like your comment about kicking ass at any age! My uncle who lived in Maine, skied even well into his 80s! Of course if I lived in Maine I would ski as well, since I did it when I was a kid living in New England. It was great sport! But for me now great sport is walking the kids along the boardwalk and to the dock at the nature center and keeping up with the rotation time for each of the groups as well as running back and forth getting things set up and taken down. Ohhhh, those were the good old days before this freekin' pandemic! :(
I know of a guy who lives near me who's 96 upto a few years ago he was cycling and swimming.
Whilst he's a bit unsteady now on he's feet he can still move around and do lots.

This thing of you can't do certain stuff after a certain age I don't buy into.
Right on @Dino, I don't buy into that malarkey of you can't do certain stuff after a certain age either! That's just nonsense.
Case in point, when I started volunteering 10 years ago at the nature center where I help with field trips for elementary school kids, we had a maintenance man who was 93 when I first met him. He was out there doing all sorts of things like chain-sawing down trees, running the tractor and various other carpentry projects. He has (or had) diabetes and he said that all of that activity reduced his need for meds. He refused to just sit at home and do nothing. A few years later he needed to go back to his family in Minneapolis full time. No one at the center has heard how he's getting on or even if he's still around, however. But wow! Do all that maintenance in your 90s??? We all should be so lucky!!! :O
billiveshere and Dino ---You're absolutely right It's not the age it's the condition of the body. My mother at 83 painted the walls and ceilings of her three room mobile home with a hand brush, she had chemo for lung cancer later that year after smoking for 70 years. (She said she never inhaled but she could blow some awesome smoke rings!)Then at 84 she went para-sailing with me. She certainly was no athlete but she was very agile. She managed to live to 95. She never thought of herself as old but after 85 years she told me that she didn't know why she was still here. And she had been wearing Depends for the previous 10 years.
It isn't just that you can do a lot at any age - you are happier and live better/longer if you keep physcially fit. Happier with yourself. My mother retired to San Francisco, lived on a hill. Got rid of her car. "Why have a car when there is such good public transportation and I can walk?" Walk? Yea Mom! She had Polio at age 18 months, 1908. One leg an inch shorter, other damage, but she always walked a lot. She had to work/practice like an Olympic athlete (As did many Polio victims) all her life. As the doctor said, it kept her out of a wheel chair into her 80s. She was still mobile enough to get to the bathroom, and to the dining room, (Okay, she needed a wheel chair for that, plus some help, at the end) when she died - at 92.
So keep rollerblading - and skydiving. Walking's cool. Take your rescued dog (my favorite breed is Rescue).
And there are people who won't vaccinate their kids for Polio? Grrrrrrrrr!
Hi @AlasSouth, Truer words were never spoken in that I know you are happier and can live better if you are physically fit. I walk very day and I do watch what I eat, etc. And I feel fine! In fact if there is a day in which for some reason I can't get out and walk then I feel cheated and I have to make up for it somehow! On a lot of days I take a substantial walk twice a day. Like today here in Florida. It's been raining pretty much all day. But I took my usual Sunday walk this morning and it wasn't raining all that much. It was a nice walk, too!
Remarkable story about you mom and polio, especially considering when she moved to SFO she lived on a hill and used public transportation. That makes a lot of sense to me! Polio be damned!
I have to admit I don't know about skydiving, though! Jumping out of a perfectly good plane at 13,500 feet, I really have no desire to do that thank you very much!
Hi @ritanofsinger, your mom sounds quite remarkable and like she had a pretty full life. She has the right attitude by saying she never thought of herself as old and that's probably what kept her going ...and going....and going! Weren't you lucky to have her as your mom!
You mentioned she was wearing Depends since she was 75. She could have been a good ad for Depends! Just wear them, forget about it and go out and have fun! That's what it's all about!
I can tell yall this, I cant party like a rockstar anymore without some pretty bad effects(like today after moonshine last night). Its depressing and I feel so lost and stupid. I had a good time from what I remember. maybe its just sunday morning coming down.
After 2 shoulder surgeries, ive had to do this. The hard part is holding the top flap of the diaper down to secure the bottom flap with tapes. I get several pieces if medical cloth tape ready. About 3 inch long. I apply diaper while on my back or while sitting on toilet. I tape the top flap directly to my waist on both sides nice and snug. This leaves my hand free to secure each side of the diaper tapes. Should help you out with a bit of practice.
Hi @Ruhappy, It's good you had a good time (from what you can remember) but it's always that Sunday morning come-down that isn't much fun!:(
And if you don't remember anything else I ever said, then dig this:
The first five days after the weekend are always the hardest! :D:D
Steven1980 said:
After 2 shoulder surgeries, ive had to do this. The hard part is holding the top flap of the diaper down to secure the bottom flap with tapes. I get several pieces if medical cloth tape ready. About 3 inch long. I apply diaper while on my back or while sitting on toilet. I tape the top flap directly to my waist on both sides nice and snug. This leaves my hand free to secure each side of the diaper tapes. Should help you out with a bit of practice.

This is a great Idea and I will be trying this. Thank you
thank you so much for your suggestions and feedback. i have my wife helping at this point. she was a little wierded out at first, but is okay now.
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