One handed diapering technique


Staff member
Hi, I need some advice on how to apply a diaper with one hand. I made the mistake of forgetting i was 42 yesterday vs 21. I went down a ramp in my rollerblades and went Kaboom. One broken wrist later. Here i am. It was excruciating putting on my diaper last night. (even my pullups i use during the day are hard). Does anyone have any ideas. Also, i should add, it is my dominant hand, and since i have CP my left hand is pretty much useless. Shaving was quite and adventure this morning.
I was hit by a car while riding a motorcycle in 09. I was down to 1 arm for a good while. It took a while to figure it out. At first i would lay out the diaper on the edge of my bed. Then sit on it, lay back and tape it on starting with the most dificult side lowest tape then go to the other side that i used to tighten it up. I would also put regular underwear over it because i couldnt get it taped up tight enough. I did get to where i could stand up after practicing. Also ordered some good overnight pullups that i used for daytime use. They never worked for me while sleeping tho. I got by without needing any ones help changing but I considered it the first few times trying. Hope you get healed up quickly.
One upbeat take away for all is the quote, "I went down a ramp on my roller blades".shows a pretty cool dude who happens to be incontinent. Incontience has not defined you.
Being such a can do person you will find a way to tape up too.
Hmm maybe stand up against a wall or door with back of the diaper against the surface.

Or depending on your level of incontinence try pull ups with a booster pad and net pants or normal underwear to hold everything in place.
cool, or crazy, one or the other. I am not sure if the categories or mutually exclusive.
Pullups don't quite work well for me. They are either too small, or too big. my daytime problems are mild, but when i have the rare bladder spasms, even the high capacity ones cannot contain in. I think i have to do diapers at night. I could always ask my wife. But am a little embarrassed about it.
I'm glad that you are considering asking your wife for help. That might be easier than struggling with the diaper on your own.
I have been in a slight panic over this very same issue and trying to figure out how to do it, I go in for rotator cuff and biceps reattachment surgery next month. I live alone and I don’t think my dog would be much help unfortunately. It’s going to be tricky for sure
Mightychi, good luck and heal fast! I’m impressed. I can’t handle diapers with *two* good arms! Never mind rollerblades!!
Mightychi, I would think if your marriage is solid, that your wife wouldn't mind assisting you in your incapacitated condition. (Unless she's really pissed about you being on rollerblades at 42.. )
Unless you need more absorbency, I’d recommend using pull-ups. However, if you really need the extra capacity of a tape-on diaper, I would recommend applying the tapes beforehand and then putting on the diaper as if it were a pull-up. I am familiar enough with where the tapes need to be applied that I think I could probably do that if need be. But applying the tapes one-handed would be tricky.
Hi @Mightychi, boy the fact you can even rollerblade at all makes me envious! :D But I'm sorry you ended up with a broken wrist and here's best wishes for a quick recovery. As for one handed diapering, I think (and I'm just guessing here) that standing with your back against a wall might be the best way. I go the pull-ups route myself so I wouldn't have a technique per se, maybe other than unfolding the diaper and putting it against a wall and backing into it and hold it against the wall with your back. Then take the front of the diaper and and pull it through between your legs and begin taping with the bottom tape and work your way to the top tape. I don't know if that makes a whole lot of sense, but it seems the wall could be somewhat of a substitute for your other hand.
That said, whatever method you choose would have to take a bit of practice and then you're good to go!
Since you have time to plan can you tape up one side of a bunch of diapers to make a supply so you only have one side to deal with after surgery?
Maymay941. I was thinking the same, may try a practice run this weekend, I didn’t want to hijack the thread but I’m hoping we can generate enough ideas for both of us
Hi again @Mightychi. I think shaving with one hand would be quite an adventure. Do you have an electric razor? That may help a bit and maybe not make it quite so adventurous. The shave won't be as close, but hey, if it will work for you then I won't tell if you won't tell!:D
I think asking the wife for help should be an absolute last resort. Just my opinion, it can be dificult to keep attraction going in a relationship and I dont think this would be a plus in that area. I hope im not out of line for saying this here.
I see what you're saying @Ruhappy and one would tend to think that way. But also we need to remember the marriage vows, "In sickness and in health!" That may have something to do with things!
Okay I can chime in on this because I had an idea..

Stand against the wall and use Clothes pins to hold it in place tell you tape up..

Ie. Make it so that the diaper is right where it should be with the clothes pins and then tape up with the pins hold everything up..

Might work..
Good suggestion ThatFlGuy. The spring-type clothes pins I'm assuming you mean? I just sold a big bag of them in my garage sale!

billiveshere, thank you for your reply. My husband and I were married 56 years (divorced 1 1/2 years in the middle and then remarried). The second time around was better. But I lost track of the times we were able to help and clean up after each other during accidents and sickness. We became best friends over the years after we got over the hurdles of thinking we had to always present our sexiest looks to each other. A few months before he died he shuffled when he went from one room to another and one day he called me to help him. I helped him off the toilet, then his muscles froze and he couldn't get going to go the short distance to our bed. I got down on the floor and like priming a pump, I pushed on one heel then another until he was able to feel the motion and continue on his own. We help each other, because, we love one another. That's what a relationship is about.
@ritanofsinger Beautiful! I love, love! What a lovely story! My parents have been together 56 years and I’m continuously amazed at what they do for one another, emotionally and physically.

I think a wife who wouldn’t help isn’t a wife worth having!

As for shaving, I’d definitely acquire/use an electric razor, or do the COVID thing and grow a beard! Nothing wrong with that! I wouldn’t let your wife shave you, though - quite a skill, to be able to shave a face - not something us ladies are trained in!

As for your sporty self, ROLLERBLADING AND ALL TYPES OF EXERCISE AND ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES AND ENDEAVORS KICK ASS, AT ANY AGE!!!!!! Good for you!!!!!!! Sorry about your wrist! Good luck with all the aspects of your recovery!
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