On alighter note: airplane toilets and China airlines

Horrors (!!!) about that birthday party. I'm so glad that you were wise and didn't go. Sorry for the loss of your aunt and uncle.
Hi @AlasSouth, I'm sorry to hear about your aunt and uncle. But I'm glad you played it safe and stayed home. These days that seems to be the wise option. I hope we see the light at the end of the tunnel soon!
Flguy, you must truly miss your family but whatever you do, be extra aware and careful. The last thing you need is a case of Covid as you've come so far to get your basic financial and medical health in order.
Yes, my mom and I have discussed our survivors’ guilt. We definitely have it. I think she had it worse than I do because she’s a Social Worker with clients who’ve lost loved ones and had worse cases than age and I had.

I wasn’t in the hospital, but yes, my incontinence was worse during the depth of the illness.
Hi snow, I hope your recovery is going well and that you are feeling better! Best wishes to you for a complete and uneventful recovery!!!❤️
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