On alighter note: airplane toilets and China airlines


Staff member
just read a news flash that the government pwned national airline of China recommends its flight attendants to wear disposable diapers to avoud having fo use airline and airport lavoratories and thus avoid COVID and other germ related issues in the aircraft
Well that's very interesting Maymay but one question pops into my head. What happens when it's time to change? They still have to go into the lavatories (on the plane or at the airport) to do that!
Yeah, this was a major news piece on my local morning news. I was appalled as they spent six minutes making fun of people who have to wear diapers, and going on and on and on about how embarrassing it would be for those flight attendants to be wearing diapers, “coming down the aisle with those crinkly noises; everybody would know they’re wearing diapers.” It made me sick and furious that 1) the airplane is so damn cheap and understaffed that their staff don’t have time to pee, and 2) the news station spent that much time lambasting adult diaper wearers.
Diapers being worn in china at stores and factories have been popping up for years. Im not at all surprised that airlines and covid are involved now. Soon we will be required to all wear charcoal underwear ass filters to filter covid from our farts.
Hi snow, Like you I also think it's disgusting :( that the news station spent so much time making fun of those wearing adult diapers! My one thought is one day some of those "news people" will probably find themselves having to wear them and then who will get the last laugh???!!! As a matter of fact I hope they do have to wear them someday! It'll show that the glitzy ritzy newsies who giggle and joke and poke each other in the ribs and show their million dollar cosmetic dental work smiles aren't so perfect after all!
And @Steven1980, there's a glimmer of hope today that wearing charcoal underwear won't be needed after all since the FDA just approved that Pfizer vaccine. Finally progress is being made! :D
Except the main headline on NPR today is about how Trump passed up the opportunity to buy the vaccine from Pfizer first, so while the rest of the world is getting it now, the earliest we’ll get any doses from them is mid-June. They’re 5% more effective than Moderna. He screwed every American over yet again. We have to now get three further months of rampant COVID because of him.
What kind of a world is it when restrooms on planes and in airports aren't clean and sanitized?

People can be very careless about cleaning up after themselves. :(

The airlines/government can be very cheap when it comes to hiring people to clean the facilities. At better than living wages and good working conditions. The cleanliness was a problem before the pandemic. The gov't is spending the money on the TSA agents who abuse their power, as we have just learned.

Unscientific thinking and very poor judgement and lack of caring on Trump's part not to purchase the vaccine when he could.

Thank you for listening.
The "Force" that mentally empowers me thru rough times, teaches to not wish ill will on anyone, but it is hard to avoid at least thinking about the fact that "what goes around, comes around" and not feeling sorry for the peo"ple that will be the recipients of the wisdom of this saying. I am not a religious man by any means, but "Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do" comes to mind in regard to what Snow posted about the the News reporters. All we can do, is learn from it. Stay well!
Most airlines only clean their aircraft when it arrives at an airport. That includes toilets. I have seen that sometimes lines form to use the toilets. It would be nice if they could assign a person to clean it after every use, but dont know if that would even be🤔 possible.
@boasammy Very true, a lot of people leave a mess around toilet after using it ,toilet paper on floor, peeing right in front of toilet on floor, Uggghh, list just keeps going
Hi snow that is very discouraging about the fact we won't be able to get vaccine until June and that we have to wade through another three months of rampant covid because of Trump's unwillingness to help. And hopefully by Jan. 20 he will be out of our lives forever and maybe we can still make progress in getting the vaccine to us once Trump has left us which can't be any too soon for my likes!
@billliveshere Great minds think alike! Joe can’t get in there soon enough!

A Senator a few days ago talked about making the next vaccine linked to being able to receive a $1,500 stimulus payment in exchange. Great idea!

Folks when we do start getting the vaccine, avoid the less-effective AstraZeneca (only 70% effective) and aim instead for Pfizer (95% effective) or Moderna (90% effective). You can call the hospital or pharmacy ahead of time (once it’s released) to see which vaccine manufacturer they’re distributing.

Believe me, you don’t want COVID. I’m terrified I’ll get it again. It’s hell, and it just goes on and on and on and on....... and on some more.
Hi snow, please be careful and stay safe so we can all enjoy seeing Joe take the oath of office on 1/20! And I agree with that senator about making the next vaccine linked to getting our $1500 stimulus payment in exchange! Actually you don't have to ask me twice to get the vaccine. And I do want to hold out for the Pfizer which is the one being distributed in England or I will also accept the Moderna. But I hadn't heard about the AstraZeneca. And thank you for advising us to call ahead to the pharmacy or hospital to see which they are releasing. The latest I heard was FDA approval is expected to be given on Sunday.
A public service announcement: in England or the United Kingdom people with allergies to food or medicine had ancephaletic shock issues with the Pfizer vaccine. Im not trying to tell anyone what to do but just a cautionary note for our saftey as we explore the vaccine
Those two people had previously had allergies to vaccines and were treated successfully immediately with Benadryl. No such allergic reactions occurred during the trials.
billliveshere and snow. Linking taking vaccine to the stimulus might not be legal ( I don't really know), but it's a good idea none-the-less. A good friends want to link hospital care with mask denial. Deny that Covid exists, or refuse to wear masks? Fine. For those totally overworked, stressed-out hospital workers, don't spend our tax dollars and the hospital workers' time on those deniers (nor break those hearts in that hospital). If enough don't take the vaccines, the rest of us are still at risk.
It's "your Constitutional right not to wear a mask, not social distance, etc"? That means you think it's your right to kill other people. That's what it boils down to. That being the case, it is my constitutional right to carry a gun, and to defend my self. Does that mean I have the right to kill someone with that gun if they aren't wearing a mask?
I think that logic is called reducing-to-the-absurd (I've forgotten the Latin), and is used to make the point.
Snow, I've worried about the "after-affects" badly. It is becoming more and more obvious there are serious long-term effects. I sure hope you get any help you need and come through. I feel the media has spent too little time on that.
One after-effect I haven't seen discussed hardly at all? Survivor guilt.
We lost an elderly Aunt & Uncle to Covid. A direct relative had insisted on an 88th birthday party (after all, they might not live much longer and we needed to see them while they were still alive). We didn't go. 25-30 guests (a lot more were invited) - and one had Covid, it looks like. 17 are sick and positive, last I heard. I wonder what they are thinking now?
Anyone seen any links between Covid or Covid ICU time, and Incontinence? In the past, having a catheter aggravated mine.
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