Okay serious question... Weight loss.


Staff member
How the heck am I supposed to keep weight off when physical therapy wants me to do as little as possible physically???
Hi FlGuy, Just taking a stab at it here but I would eat a more balanced diet, that is serving of meat, starch, fruit and/or veggies. Go for lower fats and sugar in your food. And get up from the dinner table feeling just a little bit hungry still.
But also you can ask your physical therapist directly, just how do you keep weight off when you guys want me to do as little physical activity as possible!
Hope that helps!
I can never follow a restrictive diet for very long. The only way I am ever able to lose weight is intermittent fasting. I don't restrict what I eat, but when I eat.

I use a daily routine of eight hours of normal eating, (not binge eating), and sixteen hours of nothing but water or tea. I lost 25 lbs. over three months without any gym or exercise classes.
Jamie325 - Do you mean one day of regular eating (like 3 times a day) and then two days not eating anything but just drinking water or tea?
I'm with you, FLGuy. Been there, didn't lose the weight. Did at one hospital; the food was so bad, i ate little for 6 weeks. They actually pushed food, there, too. Nagged. Didn't lose as much as I should have. I never figured out why they kept me bed-ridden so much. They wouldn't answer that question, which is why I'll have to be unconscious before I enter the doors of that hospital, ever again.
Ask both the doctor and the PT people why you are so restricted & what you can do to change that, even if it is incremental, day by day.
It's hard, at home. We gradually cleared our pantry of sweets, no ice cream in the freezer. Got rid of most snack food, except tree-nuts. Went with low salt things. Read the dang too-small writing on the nutrition labels. It is amazing the words they use to disguise sugar, and the unrealistic "portions" sizes. (A 16-oz can of soda is 2.3 "servings"? Puleeeze!)
The local farmer's Market had carrots that tasted like carrots (imagine that!), and sweet. Gold and red peppers the same. Celery & peanut butter avoided peanut butter and crackers (starch & sugar).
Eliminated soft-drinks, except the single no-cal drink "Ice" - it's the only one of the artificial sweeteners I can stand, and it is not good enough that i drink much of it.
Squash instead of potatoes or white rice.
Lots of fresh fruit. We decided health was more important than the cost of fresh fruit.
Cheat. "Oh, but Doc, I had to go grocery shopping. But I leaned on the shopping cart a lot." (Amazing how many miles you can put on at a big grocery store.... Even with a mask....)
Just pay attention to your pain level.
Best I can do - hope it gives you some ideas.
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