Okay now should I panic?


Staff member
Was checking my lab results from my ER stay on the 13th.

Well, there are a few worrying things.

First, My ALT number is 81 U/L (That is 30 u/l higher than it should be and double what it was in September, Never been over 50u/l)

Also, my MPV is a bit high at 11.2, and my glomerular filtration rate was >90 which is 30 high than last time.

Again non of this was told to me by doctors at the ER. I just started looking up what all this means... So both my kidneys and my liver levels are high.. Like up 30 points from September... That is a big jump for me.. Yea I will be talking to a doctor tomorrow.
@ThatFLGuy as far as your GFR >90 (kidney function) that is good. The lower the number the worse it is. I'm at GFR of 6 which is Stage 5 Kidney Failure and I'm on dialysis.
Hi FlGuy, Please, for your own peace of mind, make talking to your doctor Priority No. 1 today!!!! It's much better to just make the call and get it over with, rather than spend a lot of time stewing about it. And just ask him point-blank what those numbers mean and how it needs to be treated (that is if any treatment is needed)!!
Good luck in contacting him and insisting on an answer. It's so much better than not knowing and worrying!!!
So hopefully it isn't anything worrisome, and please do take care!!!
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