Okay I guess.


Staff member
Well I will not be seeing my urologist anytime soon. She feels that there's nothing else she can do as I can't take any of the drugs she could prescribe as they would effect him bowel issues. We never did any test except urinalysis. So, yeah one less doctor to have to go back to. I don't think it's a bad thing because she was more worried about my night time issues than the day issues but now feels like both are caused by the bowel issues. She felt like I have nerve issues therefore there's not really much you can do for me in the Instem implant is not an option because it would affect one or the other either my bowels or my bladder and it might actually cause more problems with my bowels so.
I've been through a depressing list of doctors, not least because of "turnover". One less might actually be a blessing!
Did you ever see a Neurologist? I've lost track.

Nope. I had an MRI but never been to a neurologist. It is something that my physical therapist says brought up several times that should have happened but it hasn't yet.
I think having one less doctor to go to may be a good thing. But see how you do without that urologist and maybe your regular doctor could fill in with urological concerns. But if not then you have the option of re-establishing yourself with either that urologist or a different one.
ThatFLGuy & billliveshere: I mentioned it because quite a number on here report loss of feeling that seems to parallel my peripheral neuropathy - loss of nerve transmission & function. They "can't" feel/tell if they need to go, or can't feel it when they do urinate. How that could be tested for is beyond my feeble mind. Some Urologists don't seem to care about that, or aren't willing to follow up, or refer.
By coincidence, had a Zoom today on a completely different topic, and one participant was the doctor who did my prostatectomy when I was in a clinical trial in 2003. He really did spend a lot of time explaining, answering questions, suggesting questions I didn't know I wanted or needed to ask. How much of that was because it was a clinical trial and was a team, I don't know. Compared to the urologist I had for incontinence in about 2013, I can say there was a LOT of difference - I got more from of the nurse, than from him. I don't even know if an MRI detects nerves, and if they work.
I saw the EOB from secondary Insurance (after Medicare)for a recent MRI. In network. The bill was amazing. Yikes. $$$. So that's how the hospital pays for those machines....
You could use some good luck, and here's wishing you some.
Here is the thing about me and the urologists. I had a really bad experience with the first urologist I ever saw when I was a kid. The one I was sent to this time was very good but again, could do nothing for me. The reality is that most of the tests would only show what is already know. My goal is to get my GI doctor to decide if we can do some other test that would tell them how long food is staying in my system sometimes and then others not.

I was only set to urology this time because it was one thing that was not checked out.

One other thing that I am taking with me this year is the idea that I may need to get a different GI doctor. My Social security contact said one of the biggest hold-ups with disabilities is doctors not getting them the information that they need. I have been dealing with that from my current GI so I am ready to move on if I need to.

Also, I know that at any time I can go to my PCP office and request all my records so that is a plus.


Yea, my biggest issue is that I have a limited feeling, or no feeling in areas that I should feel. I also cannot move a lot of muscles in my lower abs or bowel so I cannot have a proper bowel movement or bladder void.

The goal with my urologist is to wait and see if I end up with the next surgery and then see what is what after.

I just want to wait to tell the end of the year for the botox to wear off and then see where I am at.
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