O Constipation, why do you hate me.


Staff member
Well that did noting. Two doses of Miralax and that hole clean out on Friday and guess what? Have not went in 18 hours and feel like I did when I went to the ER last Monday.

Have a doctors appointment at 3pm and will have him reach out to my GI doctor and explain what is going on. If the pain gets worse before then I will be calling the GI doctor directly.

I know one of the members on another board uses enemas to relieve his chronic constipation problems. While not particularly pleasant it's not painful, maybe this is something you could try?
Hi FLGuy, I hope your apt with the doctor goes well today and that he plans to contact your GI guy. In light of all the surgery you've had and the fact you can't really use things like enemas and the like maybe look at something really simple. You probably know by now that I like to try the simpler remedies first. Have you tried prunes? A lot of people swear by them (maybe some swear at them :))or at least prune juice? With something like that you'd need to do prunes pretty much daily for it to do any good. I wouldn't think something as natural as a fruit would endanger your lower tract and if it's something that will work it's a lot cheaper than meds. Of course in your situation maybe you can ask your doctors about prunes.
Like I’ve suggested before, try a Dulcolax suppository. You will have a bowel movement in less than 30 minutes.

Also, why bother with your primary when he doesn’t really help you? Why not just call your GI doctor immediately? You don’t need anyone’s permission to call your specialist.

Prunes and prune juice contain a ton of sugar, but if diabetes doesn’t run in your family, it might be okay to try them.
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