Now that I know. Long post


Staff member
This has been an incredibly frustrating journey that I have been on for the last three and a half years.

In November of 2018, I entered the hospital with chronic stomach pain that had me doubled over. The hospital gave me pain meds and a bowel clean-out prescription and sent me home without any tests done (*More on this later).

Then, on December 20th, 2018 I ended up in the ER/ED after being in so much pain that I was forced by my family to go get checked out. That Day I was told how close to death I was. (Like if I had not gone to the ER/ED that night I would have died, Had my abscess ruptured more than it did I would likely have been in septic shock and died).

I spent the next twelve days in the hospital, and four days in the ICU ward. So yea, Christmas and New Years' in the hospital. That sucked.

I had to go back to the hospital for eight days for IV antibiotics but after stopping them for two days I ended up back in the ER/ED with stomach pain and I was told that I needed a colonoscopy to see if I needed surgery to remove the damage done to my bowel.

February 19th, 2019 I had surgery after doctors fought over what to do. Surgery happened in Florida and it was decided at that time that no ostomy was needed.

In June of 2019, I came north to Pennsylvania for a family reunion and never left because the job market and cost of living were better up here.

By November 2019 I had my first Pa. ER/ED visit. That lead to a colonoscopy to see what was done in Fl.

After that visit in 2019, the rest of my medical visits were like a book. There are over 80 at this point.

In June 2020 while at work I had a very hard time having a bowel movement and after that, I started having bowel and bladder accidents during the day.

I had an endoscopy, and colonoscopy that same week and that lead to finding that there was a real issue with my bowel and ability to have bowel movements without medications.

It took till September 2020 to finally get set up with physical therapy. Over the next two years, I went every week.

I had more tests they found that I have pelvic floor dysfunction and physical therapy was trying to fix that.

Nothing worked and after two years it was decided that I need an ostomy to fix some of the issues I have.

I ended up with an ileostomy in April of this year but things have not gone well.

Today it was found that I have diversion colitis. Add this to the nutritionist's feeling that I also have dumping syndrome with the inability to digest foods.

This all means that since moving to Pa in 2019 that everything has been a horror show and I am only seeing the pilot episode.

Moving forward means more surgery, a high possibility of supplemental nutrition being needed, and no end to future visits to the doctor's offices.

Yea was not ready to hear everything today.

Life sucks, then we die. So, yea… not good.
I also hope moving forward means moving in with a family member(s) and moving very close to a real hospital with every kind of specialist nearby, because you’re going to need them. I know you think it’s impossible to make happen, but reach out to the housing authority near your main hospital where you get surgeries and you should be able to get amply discounted, if not free, housing assistance. You also qualify for Meals on Wheels - like, tomorrow - as long as you can still eat. With the Housing Authority, you would get a case manager and probably not have to do anything. There may be a waiting list, though, which is why you should get working on it right away before your big surgery. Have you asked your disability insurance company if they’ll pay for you to relocate? They should!

You may die very early in life if you continue to insist on living in a remote place with a rinky-dink half-hospital. Eventually you’re likely going to get an infection that could you make you die while you’re going by ambulance to the bigger hospital. If you stay rural, just know that you’re choosing to put yourself at greatly increased risk of premature death. If you’re okay with that, that’s also okay. We all make choices about our health and our lifespans, and that is every individual’s right.

And you’re right, Nature is always in charge, and holds one final surprise for all of us… our own death. Humans love to think we’re in charge of Nature, but it’s totally the other way around. And most certainly, Nature is not “fair,” and yes, “Life is Suffering,” with a few moments of joy and contentment here and there, many more such moments when we’re young, far fewer as we age.

I think you should sue some of your very first doctors. You could definitely get an attorney to work pro-bono for you. Nobody in the medical field has really listened to you up until now, and that’s criminal!

Right now I am waiting for byopsies to come back to see how quickly things need to move forward. ( I have disability court on the 1st of November and then see my PCP on the second)

That will determine what will happen. After my appointment my parents and I are going to sit down and decide what to do. There's a big worry because of what was found.

They took over ten byopsies because the diversion colitis is causing my diverticulitis to flair up. Essential what is going on without going to TMI is that my bowel production of mucus is causing small infections scabs and tiny absesesse. That's not good because that is what almost killed me in 2018. Now they just have to decide when we are going to do something because it will make what is going on with my ostomy bad as well.

I'm sorry you had to endure that back in 2018. That sounds like a terrible experience. I've had my fair share of hospital experiences, some good, some bad. I've noticed a trend is the poor quality of care as times continue due to the privatization and older more experience nurses and doctors retire.

It's truly a shame the system we live in. It truly is a cut throat world. I was just thinking about what @snow was saying about Life is Suffering. That much is true, having been texting my biological dad - his text messages and interactions in person seem off. I can only deduce that possibly my step mother and may possibly be her lawyer Is involved. I don't know 100% but I can see her using trying to set up a situation to legally protect themselves from my recollection of prior abuse.

Sum it all up - were all suffering my friend. We are here for you

Be well,
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