Note to self... Yep I am stupid.


Staff member
Do not.... I repeat do not eat anything even a bit spicy after the put shots in my bum.

Thank God for bum cream.

I felt like Wile E. Coyote when the Acme rocket lit his bum on fire.

Not doing that again.
Don't be so hard on yourself. You are still getting used to the shots, and exploring what you can and can't get away with food wise.
This is a lesson learned - like you say "not doing that again".
It only gets to be dumb if you know what it does to you and you keep on doing it anyway.
Oh, and I feel your pain. There have been a LOT of occasions when I've been very grateful for the soothing relief that only cream can bring!
(I'm not such a fast learner myself).
Agree, @thatflguy, be a little more compasionate for yourself, I am praying on that today for myself. Trying to not think about all the stupid stuff I have done. Blessings-be grateful-I am ginv myself a lecture this morning.
Anyone can make a mistake, the question is can we learn from them? I know on my end, last week I chugged an energy drink before a long shift at work, and totally wet myself uncontrollably all day. I had to leave work an hour early because I totally wet myself and those pullups didn't work (Thank goodness I can wear black pants). I have since removed the energy drink from my diet and things have been better to a degree. I think if we know the consequences to what we do, it isn't really stupid or foolish. Making the same mistakes repeatedly over a few times, that would be debatable.
Lol. Laughing with you totally sounds like something I would have done also. Live and learn. You'll become well versed on the do's and don'ts. Unfortunate, if you're like me, that knowledge is gained from trial and error, but knowledge none the less.
Hi FlGuy, Well we all make mistakes and we should all learn from them! That's why there are mistakes!! You've learned not to do spicy foods so close to your recovery from your Botox procedure. But that is not stupid! So please don't be so hard on yourself. Lord knows I've made some real doozies in the way of mistakes myself. We all do!! But what is totally unacceptable is making the same mistake over and over again and not learning from it.
That said, I hope you're recovering nicely and are putting mileage between you and that procedure!
I know on my end I almost need to keep record of what is bad, I get up super early, and forget I shouldn't have 2 sodas or an energy drink, then my bladder goes crazy. The struggle is real!
may941 said:
Have the pain and spasms quited down?

So, the answer to that is a bit tricky yet. Botox does nothing to numb the pain or the discomfort of going which I deal with. But the idea is that the muscles are not contracting.

My pain issue is in part due to a bad hemorrhoid and the hypersensitivity. The goal of what I had done was not to eliminate pain but rather give the muscles time to not do anything. When they fired before Friday they stopped me from going because the got tight due to the hypersensitivity. Now I still have the hypersensitivity but it is not acting stupid and clamping off like it was.

The pain was very real last night. I even have bit marks on one of my knuckles from it. If this works (To early to tell yet) then we may do something later that will make it permanent. (That is of course saying that I don't end up with an ostomy)

My surgery follow up is on the 27th and I have PT on the 24th so by the middle of next month a discussion will be made as to what is going to have to happen for few reasons.

First, the med I am taking are not working like they should and there is little more we can do without causing more harm than good.

Second, with the meds I am on should not be getting bound up but I still am.

Third, my GI is worried that I keep passing stuff that indicates that I am having diverticulitis attacks but that the medication is keeping they from turning into full flare up back to the ER/ED and possibility of part of my bowel being diseased meaning it needs to be removed.

Lastly, I knew before surgery Friday that what was done was a long shot and that it was not going to do anything for my gut pain. This is just step one in the try something so I don't end up with a ostomy.

PS: The surgery team feels like this is just a bandage before needing to accept that I will need an ostomy above everywhere that was effected by my bowel surgery back in 2019. That is because my whole large bowel has diverticula therefor at any point that I am off my meds even for a day like before this surgery that I am at risk for another abscess and more surgery to take out what is now bad.

There has been a lot of talk behind doors before meeting with this surgery doctor so now everything is on the table and I can weigh my options.

Truth is that I am just tired of being in pain. My surgery doctor said not to let myself get so bad that I need emergence surgery and to keep pressure on my GI to do other tests to see what can be done. (Mobility study, repeat other tests)

This is going to be a long process from here and even talking to my mom today she said that the surgery doctor told her (With my permission) that It was going to be necessary to do something major with surgery in the very near future due to what he saw during the rectal exam while I was under for my surgery Friday.

I have accepted that but want the best choice so that if we have to go that way that I am not ending up with and ostomy when I really need an ileostomy.

All in I have to just keep working with doctors and get the best care I can moving forward.
so so sorry @thatFlGuy and I think I have problems-no offense but I am not that bad yet. Blessings and prayers-I know a couple of guys in our parks that have a bag, in fact it might me better-no more messes-the poop ones are worse that the urine ones-I know from taking care if my Dad after his stroke
Hi Fl Guy, In reading this, and to put it very succinctly, I think the main goal for you in talking with your surgeon and other docs who are involved is your quality of life. Whatever recommendation the surgeon makes is to improve your overall quality of life. You must admit that with the pain and all of what you're going through, your quality of life has very much diminished and if surgery is in the cards it is to restore as much as possible your quality of life.
And in weighing your options the main thing is "will this restore my quality of life?" So there is much to think about and this is the time to ask questions before you give that final nod of consent.
Man, what a - hmmm. I was going to say "bummer". Was not intending humor or pun.
What happens with fresh, soft fruits, like peach, necterine, cherries? I "overdid" it, a bit, but that's better than constipation. We get a fruit truck, every 3-4 weeks, but only one more trip his year, and likely to be mostly winter stuff - like winter-keeper apples. Except for the cherries, this year, they are so superior to grocery stores, it is almost shocking (Oh! That's what a ripe peach tastes like!)
At least it sounds like you are getting worthwhile, honest communication. Is Medicare/insurance cooperating? The Doctors secretary/billing agents?
A guy here has a bag, and so far, no supply problems. He's currently stuck down in lower-48, as he has to drive and Canada has been reluctant to let any American through. Been down there too long, for impending death of wife, now has to jump through flaming hoops to prove he actually lives up here. Damn that trade war. We won't discuss the Covid, except it's hard to blame Canada for being cautious with that.
Hope u aren't in an area where the hospitals are overwhelmed. If so, stay there!

Exactly. My mother has seen or heard all that is going on with me and is very frustrated. At this point I have one goal and that is quality of life. I don't say this often but I have already outlived my father. I am the second oldest of 6 and my biggest fear in life was/is losing one of my siblings.

In 2018 I looked like I was not going to have to worry about losing one of them, they were going to have to live with losing me.

Looking back this week at old photographs, I was an different person just a few years ago. I was always smiling and making jokes. Now I have to fight to be happy because everything that I thought my life would be is not there.... YET.

I am a big believer in P.U.S.H... Pray until something happens. I have been doing a lot of that. Just got to be careful not to really push. HAHA.

Yea. This year is about quality of life because being in pain all the time sucks. Not getting out because I am in pain suck.

So now I am going to focuses on getting better at the other things that I love which is Photo and video editing which is a part of the processes of both. So.
@ThatFlGuy, sounds like a plan to me, great. I have decided to start back with my bridge again. I can play on line now and it is cheaper as well as take lessons on line. Pain is no fun, I get down in the dumps with my left knee hurting and my right shoulder. I just need to slow down which I have and let my body heal as best as it can at this stage of the game.
Hi Fl Guy, I think that is doable! The goal is to get to the point where the pain can be moderated and then eliminated if possible. But it is going to take work and I think you have that in you!
And it's amazing how we change over the years and looking at old photos can be a real eye-opener! And just think to yourself that a good goal now is to be that person who was always smiling and making jokes and enjoying going out and taking some really cool pictures. And tell your doctor that's where you want to be ultimately.
So things that you once enjoyed can be enjoyed once again once you get past this hurdle with dealing with the thing that is causing the pain and inconvenience.
And @BarbaraDrabeck, it's great you're taking up bridge again and doing something you like, although you're modifying it to meet your physical needs by doing it online. You get good enough once again and get to the point where you can actually go out and play bridge in person.
And for both of you, you now have good goals to work toward but at the same time we do have to make modifications as our conditions and age permit. So in a sense, we are reinventing ourselves!
Barbara: Been going to bed every night with pain from overdoing hard labor on firewood. Now raining, maybe we'll get a week's worth, and just being inside, doing light stuff, has made that better. You take what you can get.
I liked bridge, in college, but after I was taught, it became a bummer, because they all became so serious. No talking, specialized bidding systems, etc.
On one ferry I worked, there was a group of women who came every month, took over the after-lounge, for a tournament. We liked them, so helped keep the lounge for them, only when the games were on. It was a 3 day ride for them. At least 2 wheelchairs. Bet the internet group will be like that.
Now we play other card games with friends, but the games are ones where we can get noisy & joke around, lie about our hands (This isn't a hand, it's a foot. This would make a perfect gin rummy hand. Are we playing Canasta?) pass the dip & chips, slander the idiots next door, commiserate with the couple that has the rooster next door that crows all hours of the day & night and drives them crazy. Now that's harder to replicate on zoom!
So, FLguy. A few ideas for peace and distraction.
hehehehehe :D
And a few ideas for peace and distraction for the rest of us as well!!!
Chips and dips? I'm there! And I know about slandering the idiots next door and that 🐔rooster that crows all night and day!!! Well that rooster is only doing his job!! But easy for me to say since there are no roosters (that I know of) within ....well, crowing distance!!!!!
I actually have been playing a lot of video games. Keeps my mind busy and let me leave off some stress.

As for pain, I have to live with it. One big thing that has been bothering me is my sore throat from puking while under anesthesia.

I am still having a hard time trying to swallow. Also, now that I am eating it is getting harder to not have bowel accidents.

I am waiting tell I get my follow up before really stressing over other tests. Got to give this time to work before that.

I just know that if today was any indication as to how this is going to go then I will likely be getting in touch with my GI doctor sooner than later.
Thank you guys a lot, I appreciate it very much your support. This is what this group is about supporting each other. I started to having pity parties and I said to myself this is stupid. I am reading up on it everyday and enjoying it. I am going to happy that today I get to stay home again and hopefully finish my paperwork. MY ex-boyfriend yesterday reminded me that we are not a couple anymore. I said I know. Too much medical stuff with me. Well welcome to our world. Always some doctor's appointment of some sort and then there is therapy. I could not keep up nor afford my house with the pool so I live in manufacture home in a park which I enjoy very much, I asked the Lord yesterday to heal me well. I noticed when I don't do so much my left knee doesn't hurt so much. I think it is going to be a drawn out process to get it better. I think it is tendonitis and takes forever to heal. I am really mad at the workmen's comp doctor for not doing an examine on the knee and when I asked her about my exercises in the gym, she told me it was ok to do them. My physical therapist and my ex-personal trainer who I still communicate with on line- told don't me absolutely no. I don't think she is even paying attention to me. The case manager wrote her and the other hand doctor a letter to dump me. They want me gone. I am going to appear their decision just to make his life miserable as he is making mind. I know a lot of people take advantage of the system but now I can see why to a point. These are all medical benefits, if I had not gone though medic Care and gotten my shoulder fixed I would not be in the healing process which I am now. I wrote a letter to the surgeon and called the State of Florida where I reported the agency who would not finish my my nursing care after surgery and start the passive exercises, ROM, on the shoulder for me. I looked them up on line. Today we have to be our own doctor and therapist anymore. So this being said-onward today. My knee got worse with the leg extension I was doing in the gym.. I am really upset with it. IF fact it hurts worst than my right arm after surgery. Keeping up my exercises is important to me. We live in this vessel and to be good to us, we must be good to it. This body doesn't function we can't do too much. So I will pray some more today and feel better I am sure. Thank you so much for your support. Blessings and @ThatFlGuy, hang in there. You are doing great as well. I think of the good things, hot water, warm bed, nice pillow and Larry still cares about me. HE came over for dinner yesterday. HE loves my cooking and I am after him to eat better and dink less. Thank the Lord we never got married. He won't go for help to stop drinking. HE has cut down on it. I keep giving him articles on how bad alcohol is today on your brain-everything. HE got his truck painted and is very happy with it. He is fixing my celling next door to my rental unit that needed to be patch after the skylights were taken out and I had a new rood put on last year. HE wants to do more and I said it is just a rental. The cover of the fan is missing in the bathroom. I never realized it was missing before. I wonder if it came off or if one of the renters took it off. We will see. I bought it as is, IF I had to do it over again, I might have torn off the unit and made it into an RV lot. Once you get them set up, there is little maintenance. When I was well and could do the work-no problem. I enjoyed it. Now I am not so sure. IT is great for company. When my girlfriend from high school came for a visit with her 41 year old autistic son for a week in May it was great. He is nice boy in the mind and man in the body. They loved the Ocean side church which is like the one they go to in IL where we are from. They put off our 50 class reunion two years in a row because things are so bad in IL. I just have to get better so I can go in Sept. of 2022. IF Larry is to the point he wants out I will fly instead of going up there in the 5th wheel that he loves with his truck. He is a retired diesel mechanic and has finally given up the dream of buying a piece of property with a large barn he wants to put on for his truck and 5th wheel. Property values here are unbelievable high. We looked at some places our first year together and nothing caught my eye. I really don't want to leave the area. I finally have the regular doctor's I like and I found a neurologist I like who is giving me some nerve conduction tests this month. She told me I still have to have the MRI's to check on the brain to see that the tumor doesn't come back. I told her that 10 years out-the protocol is not to have MRI's anymore and she said that is not true. She wants to look at the MRIs herself which to me speaks volumes. So this is want it is about. I am so blessed that I have the supplement they don't offer anymore where I have no deductibles or co-pays. IT is expensive but not that more expensive than the regular supplement. Enough chatting-need to do my morning therapy-thanks guys again for your support-it is very nice and very comforting, this is what supprot groups are all about.
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