Not doing well


Staff member
I just got sick after taking my antibiotics. I knew it was a bad idea to take oral ones. I haven’t had a lot of diarrhea but the vomiting sucks. I’m going to message my doctor in the morning and hope she doesn’t send me back to the hospital. If I do have to go I’ll be taking a pack of betterdry with me.
Are you taking the pills with food, as in, a full meal? I’ve had MRSA for four years and have been on Keflex that entire time - and likely for the rest of my life - or I get boils. If I don’t take it with a meal, it can sometimes make me queasy, though for the most part, my body is pretty used to it by now. I always have Compazine with me. Do you have something like that, an anti-nausea pill? Maybe you should ask for one, if you don’t have one.

I have recently seen both of my parents take the severe antibiotics you’re on, and it was hell. They both had IV and oral pill.
Snow makes a good point I don't like to mix a lot of drugs but when I was on chemo, I took some anti-nausea meds and I made it through nearly 18 months of chemo with very little nausea. Maybe ask about that?
As Snow says, make sure you take it with food. I once took an antibiotic (I don't remember which one) just before leaving the house to get breakfast, figuring I'd have food in my stomach in ten minutes. I had to stop by the side of the road to get sick after maybe five minutes. I've learned to never take them without already having eaten!

I manage the nausea from my liver disease now with Zofran (ondansetron), and sometimes Fenergan (promethazine), both of which are very effective. You could call your doctor and ask about adding one of those to the meds you're taking.

I hope you get through this without having to go back in the hospital! Your kitty isn't going to pet herself, you know. :)
I sure feel for you. Please make sure and protect your skin because every time I get diarrhea it wreaks havoc on my skin!
A dentist once gave me clindamycin to prevent infection. Diarrhea big time! :eek:

I was admitted to rehydrate me. A few minutes later they came rushing in dressed in hazmat suits. They quickly gathered up everything my roommate had and took him away.

They told me I had c-diff and that it was very contagious. I spent 3 days in isolation. Back then it was the only way to get a private room!

This week my primary care doc said that clindamycin is notorious for doing that. It kills too many of the good bacteria in your gut.

Hope you get feeling better soon. Feeling bad sucks and we have enough garage to deal with without feeling sick.
Hi EJ I think the advice to take antibiotics with food is a very sound one and it could make things a lot easier, so please give that a try. Here's hoping you can avoid another trip to the hospital and I hope the nausea passes soon! Sending good thoughts you way!!
Both my parents caught CDIFF when they were on those same antibiotics you’re on, EJ. I have a friend who also did, and can’t get rid of it; been six years now. She barely eats or goes anywhere; so sad! But if you’re on pain pills simultaneously, they usually triumph over diarrhea with constipation.
Hi EJ, hope you avoided the hospital this weekend! Take care, feel better and we'll think positive thoughts!!!
Hey all. Well. I’m done with the antibiotics! I threw up a LOT this weekend. Thankfully since my last dose I haven’t. I’m taking a lot of probiotics and hopefully that will help.

I had another aide failure. She and my last one were both allergic to cats and as we all know I have my fluff ball Emma. This one did clean the kitchen and bathroom and vacuumed. So that’s something. I’m hoping to be able to hold on for a few more days for laundry. I requested to have an aide Monday and Friday from 9-5. Hopefully they can get someone reliable who isn’t scared/allergic to cats.
Well you know what they say about good help being hard to find!!! Good luck and hope you get a reliable cat-friendly aide soon!!
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