No More! (Wheelchair Access Issues)

@snow It's definitely not MS - have been tested extensively multiple times. Agree location is the issue - no way to rectify that unfortunately, any disabled council housing would be in the same area and even further from the station.

Feeling pretty low to be honest - there doesn't seem to be a solution within my budget at the moment. Also found out that trying to switch a postgraduate loan to a new course is a complete pain and involves applying for extenuating circumstances which is very strict. Can't see why they wouldn't accept it, however, it's still a possibility. Was feeling much more positive about life going into 2023 but have been brought crashing back down to reality! Hoping it'll all be fine - could still self-fund if I have to but would rather not obviously!

Hopefully should be going out Wednesday which should lift my mood, Given the return platform is working, if the road leading to the other station isn't flooded (annoyingly the sidewalks are generally okay but too narrow for a wheelchair so I have to go in the road immediately before the entrance which does flood) I should be fine.

Will crack on with the Student Finance admin on Monday. I'll give them a call to clarify things. Given I'm still enrolled at my old university but on an indefinite leave of absence, a Change of Circumstances Form, combined with an application for Compelling Personal Reasons should be sufficient to switch.
@Maymay941 @snow Thanks folks!

I think the main issue re extenuating circumstances is whether they'll accept the better access arrangements, easier travel (i.e. no late nights) and different nature of the course (i.e. one subject, no exams) as 'proof' the course is viable with my physical and cognitive impairments. No doctor would say that I'm objectively fit and healthy and that much has changed in real terms. Plus, my condition is rather unpredictable although as university's not work there's a lot of flexibility re deadlines. The main issue with Birkbeck was the exams as there was no way around them (and doing the Economics stuff was an absolute nightmare without being able to handwrite)!

Disability's a bit of a nightmare in the UK regarding admin. I still need to check if I'll be eligible for Universal Credit (one state benefit I'm getting) if/when I start uni. I'm going to email Disability Rights to clarify. I had assumed not but it seems I may be able to. It's a complete minefield in the UK! I imagine it's probably not much different to the States.

I'll contact the Student Support people at the New College (need to stop calling it that and calling it Northeastern University as they've rebranded!) and see if they have any advice re how to proceed re Student Finance.

I think it's all doable. Just feels a bit overwhelming but I'll do it bit by bit. Feel a lot more positive today - was having a really rough time yesterday so apologies for the negativity. Had a very good Long Covid support Zoom meeting - definitely one of the best support groups I've been in.

Thanks for all the support, it really means a lot!
@snow Can't do it properly as it were. Been working at it though and I can write my name with my left hand even if it takes a while! Very much early days though but have seen some progress!
@Sci_Fi_Fan What a drag; sorry to hear it takes such effort. That must be saddening and challenging. Good for you for working on your name.
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