Nightly output??


Staff member
So my night time setup is a Lg dry24/7 with an abena max booster. The thing is that I almost flood it by the morning. Now math is not my best subject but that means that I almost flood a 3+ liter diaper at night. My day time output is no were near 3 liters. I just don't get why my system works this way.
Same issue here, during the day my legs retain a lot of water and they appear to drain when I lay down.
My issue is like, If I lay on my back it is like overflow incontinence.. If I lay on my belly (Which is all the time) I cannot hold it at all so I wet all night and cannot even feel it.
That certainly seems excessive to me. Thats a lot of fluid your kidneys are dealing with and a lot of fluid/mineral intake would be necessary to replenish I would think.
When I have had a night bag, I have been surprised that I produce quite a lot of liquid at night, about 1.5 litres. I think it is my body processing liquid from the afternoon and evening? I know that I wake up quite dehydrated and it can be lunchtime before I pee very much, Phil
I wake up feeling dehydrated too, i usually get up a few times during the night and I try to drink water while im
So. I have been tested and I am not diabetic. I does run in my family and does concern me. I have a meter and check when I am not feeling good. I have been tested more than once so. The big thing is that I would blame it on brain issue cause by a lot of my history. I was on DDAVP in tablets form for about five months and it did nothing. So I don't personally feel like it is a ADH issue. If I lay flat on my tummy I will wet all night.
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