News of the Weird; lousy doctor department


Staff member
I was listening to the radio this morning and the show's regular "News of the Weird" segment came on. The Deejay said there was an article in a Springfield, Mo. paper about the state of Missouri revoking the license of a doctor who had his office between Springfield and Kansas City, in what is presumably a small town.
The patient had to have a gangrenous toe amputated. The amputation took place on the front porch of the doctor's office, which also doubles as a tool shed! :O
Have no idea what was used to do the actual amputation or anesthesia.
But there was no word on how the patient is doing now. Watch your online news or newspaper as as that story may be running at some point.
So Bill, What’s your point? Welcome to the Affordable Care Act!

I hope you know I’m just kidding, but it is oddly close to the Ozarks! 😄
Actually, Sprung87, it is indeed close to the Ozarks so that may not be all that surprising! And that's true, it is taking the Affordable Care Act just a leeeeetle bit too far!:D
I am sure every state has weird stories but only Florida has 'Florida Man'. You never hear about Georgia Man, Utah Man, or other states but when a story starts with, "A Florida man...." You know you are in for a good story. Just type Florida Man in Google search and see the weirdness that comes up. Sad thing for Florida is just about all of the stories that come up are true.

Hear ya loud and clear JT! Of course said Florida guy would have his toe amputated on the back dock of a fishing shack and the toe would most likely fall in the water only to be eaten by a lingering alligator!! Humans feeding alligators is very much frowned :( upon!
>>> "The patient had to have a gangrenous toe amputated. The amputation took place on the front porch of the doctor's office, which also doubles as a tool shed! " <<<

I think the important question is, was it a nice, sunny day that day? 😊
Well MikeD, it was probably hot and presumably no rain blowing in from the west! If it were me, I would not have been too comfortable having the amputation done if there was lightning jumping around all over the place! Otherwise they would have had to clear out the lawnmower and a couple of gas cans from the shed before putting the operating table in! :D:D
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