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I'm a new user and am not sure where to begin with this. Anyone have some advice or suggestions about where to start? Thanks!
I'm a bedwetter. I'll go a few days to a few weeks of nothing and then I'll have accidents sometimes just once and sometimes a few days in a row. I've tried alarms and other things over the years and nothing seems to stick. I've never talked to anyone outside of my family with the exception of a doctor about it and I found this website while doing research on causes of bedwetting in adults and how to deal with it. I thought I'd check it out and see what types of things it could offer, but I'm not sure where to begin.
You are at the right place. People here are the nicest you’ll ever meet. Just be frank and tell what your issue is and someone will answer. This blog is well respected . My urologist recommended it to me.
Welcome aboard
Yes welcome. You have indeed come to the right place for suggestions. I myself have none other than what you drink and when you drink it before bedtime. Drinking no mostly water in the evenings and do not drink large amounts within a couple of hours or more before bedtime.

Also could your bed wetting be related to anxiety? Just a question that’s all.
I am almost 70. Been a bedwetter almost all of my life. Ask away with questions. Someone will point you in the right direction.
@Alh63 Thanks for the advice. I think anxiety/stress might be part of it and my mom mentioned diet the other day to me. I haven't been the most healthy eater and my fluid intake is definitely out of wack, so I'm experimenting with that.
Welcome to our group! I suggest that you ask your dr to refer you to a urologist, who can help you with many aspects of bedwetting, including diet. The urologist can refer you to a PT who specializes in incontinence and can teach you exercises.

Above all, drink a normal amount of water - don't cut back - that can make your incontinence worse, and your urine will become too concentrated.
My urologist said NOT to cut back too much on water. Your kidneys need water to do their job properly. Cutting back may lead to kidney failure later on in life. You need to drink about 8-10 glasses of water spread out your waking hours.
As my doctor said bedwetting is only a laundry problem. You have to drink the right amount to be healthy.
Welcome. Stevewet's doctor is one uncaring individual, or suggests a good attitude. I hope it's the latter.
Try the articles on this website, too; speaking of research.
Medical science doesn't always know why. Lots of people here will urge you to find a doctor/urologist/Physical Therapist, etc, that you feel comfortable with, trust. Don't hesitate to change provider if you can do it. Consumer Reports had interesting articles in their "On-Health" magazine - could help. June 2021, vol 23, issue 6.
The articles weren't on incontinence, per say, but I'm going to try some of the tips in the "Prevent Falls", and "Truth About Multivitiamins". In "Driving Again", the paragraphs about "Deal with Health Problems" might be pertinent, too.
God Bless.
@DeanmonLover67 A lot of great advise here. I too deal with bedwetting. It is occasionally only happing once every few weeks. As others have suggested get a good review by your doctor or referrals to specialists to make sure there is not a bigger issue.

Welcome to the group. I hope you find something useful for you. You will also find great people here who are opening with open arms and not judgemental.


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