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Hello everyone, I recently had a robotic prostatectomy removing my entire prostate due to stage 2 cancer. I am on day three of having my catheter and bag remove and now dealing with incontinence I’m feeling depressed and wondering if there is any chance of being somewhat normal Any advice would be greatly appreciated thank you

Welcome to the forum.

What you are experiencing is completely normal. How quickly you recover continence will depend on many factors. Some that you can control and others that you can't. What you can do is set the conditions for the best recovery possible.

Be patient. Your body has just gone through a major change. It will take a while for it to recover.

To give yourself the best possible outcome on recovery you need to strengthen your pelvic floor. Kegel exercises and get out walking are two of the best means of accomplishing that result. Don't over exert yourself. Start with short walks and try and increase the distance each day.

Others on this forum will chime in on their experience and recommendations. Feel free to give us updates as you progress and don't be shy about asking any questions.
I too am fairly new to all of this and do not post on here regularly. I had RALP surgery on December 3 and the catheter removed 11 days later. Like everyone is telling you it takes time. At my follow up on January 14 they could tell I was not very encouraged but told me they were confident that I would have a very different story in six weeks. Well I just passed the six week mark and I must say there has been quite a bit of improvement.

Honestly I am 57 fairly healthy with only high blood pressure and some overweight. Thought I would bounce back a lot quicker but like everyone on here keeps saying, it is very individual. Today I can say thank the Lord I am down to two pads a day and they are usually light. That may sound bad to some but I suspect most are glad when they get to that point.

I have found a few things helpful. Limit drinks with caffeine (not just late in the day). I have gone from many cups of coffee daily to almost one cup per day in the morning. Also limit sodas and tea. The biggest thing I have found for the little night time problem is that I just mostly sip water after 7:00 pm.

I’m not an expert in this just that these things are still fresh in my mind because I am still there. Not everyone is the same and you may not have to do any of this. Kegels and exercise may be enough for you. You will work through that on your own. Too I have read so many good posts on here.

Welcome and keep reading as others post you will learn a lot. Best wishes.
You picked the right place to come to for advice and help. Got a lot of very caring and knowledgeable individuals here!
Hi Puka,

Welcome to the forum. And don’t get too depressed. I am not familiar with exactly what you are going through however in terms of incontinence I am familiar with that unfortunately thx to ms but I live a normal life with just wearing protection. ;). In your sake from what I have read it should get much better in like 4-6 months.

Thank you everyone for your input and advice- greatly appreciated and I also wish the best to all of you. I’m glad I found this forum.
Hi @Puka, Welcome to our forum and I hope you enjoy being here since everyone is helpful and ready to offer advice and sympathetic ears. At this point I have not had prostate issues but since you've had surgery it is still something that your body needs to recover from. And recovering from any surgery, whether it's major or relatively minor, does take time, no matter what the current state of your health is. You can't compare that to "Joe who lives just down the street and and the very same surgery and was lifting weights a week later." Everyone has different rates of recovery so there is no exact timetable for your recovery. You will be told that in approximately 10 to 14 days you' probably be at "such and such stage of your recovery."
Bottom line, is it just takes time and you will, following your doctors recommendations, see some gradual improvement. But the best thing to do is to do what your doctor suggests and make sure you get to all of your follow-up appointments. And you can always ask your doctor, "Am I doing everything I should be doing?" So don't be shy, just speak up when you have a question. It's your body so you're in charge of it and do enlist your doctor's help and advice in meeting that end.
As for incontinence, there are dozens of vendors online who can provide you with protective underwear and/or pads. Most of those companies had knowledgeable sales reps on the other side of the phone line and can send out samples for you to try as well as provide you with general advice.
So you're not looking at this alone and everyone on the forum has your back!!!!! Do drop in whenever you need to and let us know how you're doing! Best wishes for a quick and uneventful recovery!!!!😃
hi Good evening or morning
Here it is almost evening

Beirut Lebanon

Dear Sirs
Apologies if I am addressing this email to the wrong email address

Am Lebanese, 73 years old, quite fit, sport daily, rowing , swimming, and cardio etc
5 years ago I had the prostate removed thru robotics procedure
Incontinence stopped after like 1.5 month

Since then, my life is almost normal
Sometimes I get pressed and feel an urgent need to urinate
Apart from that
I didn’t complain

Like one month ago
I started wetting my bed at night, without me waking up only after one or 2 hours of its happening
I had this like 5 times scattered over one month

I don’t have Parkinson
And my memory is that of an elephant
Am still active and manage a large water treatment company in the region

My dr( the one who performed the robotics ) wants to see me tomorrow
He said it is important
And mentioned some nervous issues
I talked to my neurologist who knows me well
He said am very active and he doesn’t suspect any neurological problem

He told me to stop a medication I take for sleeping
Rivotril one mg
But gradually

What do you think? Off hand of course
Thank you a lot
Best regards
This is a good place to find people with help and ideas. I hope that someone in this group can help you with this.
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