New PSA Results


Staff member
I just returned from my four month follow up after prostatectomy in December. My PSA was <0.10, which this particular surgeon/lab considers undetectable. Prior to surgery not sure what it was, but it was 12.7 in September after having been 12 in July. Good news. They were also pleased that I am only having to use one pad per day for most days now. (If I don’t do something stupid, like over do it with coffee or iced tea.) That’s not their fault. That’s all on me. I am very thankful to say the least. God is good.
Undetectable is the very best result you could hope for Congratulations!
And only one pad per day after 4 months Post Op is also great progress.
You have to be relieved snd thankful for both.
Continued progress and health .
So happy for you I am nearly six weeks post surgery and mine was 54 prior to surgery just had a test last week and it was 0.7 not sure what this means will find out from the doctor on Thursday 🤞
When I was six weeks out they told me not to get bent out of shape if it wasn’t all the way down yet. So fingers crossed and a prayer that it will keep going down. Yours is pretty low now.
I had my prostatectomy last June with a 9.5 psa prior to surgery. At 4 months after surgery my parents was 0.1. My surgeon was concerned and said we would keep an eye on it. At 7 months after surgery my parents was 0.2. Since then I have taken a lupron shot to lower my testosterone and going to start radiation soon.
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