New PSA Results


Staff member
I just returned from my four month follow up after prostatectomy in December. My PSA was <0.10, which this particular surgeon/lab considers undetectable. Prior to surgery not sure what it was, but it was 12.7 in September after having been 12 in July. Good news. They were also pleased that I am only having to use one pad per day for most days now. (If I don’t do something stupid, like over do it with coffee or iced tea.) That’s not their fault. That’s all on me. I am very thankful to say the least. God is good.
Indeed!!! And getting this good news around Easter just makes it all that more special!!! Way to go!!!!
Undetectable is the very best result you could hope for Congratulations!
And only one pad per day after 4 months Post Op is also great progress.
You have to be relieved snd thankful for both.
Continued progress and health .
So happy for you I am nearly six weeks post surgery and mine was 54 prior to surgery just had a test last week and it was 0.7 not sure what this means will find out from the doctor on Thursday 🤞
When I was six weeks out they told me not to get bent out of shape if it wasn’t all the way down yet. So fingers crossed and a prayer that it will keep going down. Yours is pretty low now.
I had my prostatectomy last June with a 9.5 psa prior to surgery. At 4 months after surgery my parents was 0.1. My surgeon was concerned and said we would keep an eye on it. At 7 months after surgery my parents was 0.2. Since then I have taken a lupron shot to lower my testosterone and going to start radiation soon.
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