New Prostate cancer tool

WoW! I know so many who could have benefited from this. A heck of an advance. Thanks for sharing! With any luck, every doctor has heard of it.
Fat chance, I had a procedure with a similar product called Auxium
two years ago .Most Dr's are unaware
What made me hopeful, is it was Sloan-Kettering and in a national oncology magazine. You could be right, but my hospital is huge, in the national top 10, and they have systems in place to make sure their doctors get informed. I was in a clinical trial for my prostate cancer, in the early 2000s, and the results of that one (a success)seems to have spread.
The word will spread better, now that it is on this forum.
In 1963, my Chicago Doctor (in a very small practice) laughed when I told him I needed a shot for Rocky Mountain Fever. He had never heard of it, thought it was a joke. (Ticks spread it, and it was a requirement to go to a Colorado college). But he did look it up, and I got the shot a few days later. I think he had to "import" the vaccine, so it took a few days.)
So, there is hope.
You probably know someone with prostate cancer, or who had it. Pass the word! That's what this forum is for. Those firs few years after my bout, I remember waiting for that PSA test result.
Now, if only other cancers can be detected this way...
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