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So I'm about to be 23 and I'm unsure what else to do about my overactive bladder. I always had problems during the day and nighttime as a kid and when I grew up like middle school age it became just nighttime. During the day I will feel like I have to go so bad to the point where I could have an accident and only pee out 100cc (400cc is the normal amount for a full bladder). In my urodynamics test she stated the obvious that my bladder was contracting when it wasn't supposed to. At night when I moved to college I wet the bed a couple of times a month. I moved back home for my gap year before returning to school and now I am wetting the bed multiple times a week again. I have tried a number of medications since I was a kid, have tried random alarms throughout the night, and have tried moisture alarm therapy. Nothing has seemed to work and my doctor recommends I try botox to help with my bladder muscles contracting at the wrong time. I don't see any pattern with what I do and what may cause me to wet certain nights. But when I go on vacations/sleep with my boyfriend, I have no issues wetting the bed and sleep through the night and wake up to pee early in the morning. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
I found out that if I am in an unfamiliar environment, I don't usually wet the bed. This only happens when I am away from home.
When I was younger and wetting most nights I found that I was much less likely to wet when away from home.
Welcome to group!!! I have deleted with over active bladder and a small bladder to, I gone through urodyamics witch told me I had a small bladder. I was advised to try adult diapers. They are a life saver for me. I been using north shore diapers with tabs,maga max. I don't worry about wetting bed or wet pants rather. Diapers help me deal with stress and anxiety to.
Don’t be afraid to diaper up - it takes the worry out of feeling ashamed from wetting the bed, pants etc…. For me a wet diaper is the least of my worries….I tried the meds and everything else - I accepted the fact that I need to wear diapers to stay dry and live a semi normal life as best that I can - just another form of underwear for me

At night I use Northshore MegaMax or confi dry 24/7 that’s usually when I have accidents- Depending on my day outside of work - if I know I will be limited to a restroom I will wear a pull-up which is more discreet…
That's true diapers are just different kind of underwear. I to tried meds and look into surgery too. Diapers for me are best option for due to other medical issues that I deal with. If feel a shame because needing diapers don't, there's a lot of us here that need diapers of one from or other.what I mean is that some people different reasons medical or comfort for anxiety. We don't judge here if you need to talk with anyone just ask ok, and answer question too.
Botox has been a lifesaver for me. The biggest downside to it is the possibility that you'll have retention problems and have to catheterize yourself a few times a day. That doesn't happen to everyone, but it seems to me that it happens more than the botox people claim.

I have to cath for months after a botox injection, although I'm very accustomed to it and don't find it bothersome. I'm a man, though, so it's a little simpler for me than it is for a woman.
@ltapilot, are you sure it is easier for a male to self-cath than a female?
I had thought that the extra length of a male urethra made cathing more tricky for men, and more likely to cause irritation, scarring and UTIs.
For myself I have an absolute horror of self-cathing and it has always put me off trying botox.
soccergirl300 said:
So I'm about to be 23 and I'm unsure what else to do about my overactive bladder. I always had problems during the day and nighttime as a kid and when I grew up like middle school age it became just nighttime. During the day I will feel like I have to go so bad to the point where I could have an accident and only pee out 100cc (400cc is the normal amount for a full bladder). In my urodynamics test she stated the obvious that my bladder was contracting when it wasn't supposed to. At night when I moved to college I wet the bed a couple of times a month. I moved back home for my gap year before returning to school and now I am wetting the bed multiple times a week again. I have tried a number of medications since I was a kid, have tried random alarms throughout the night, and have tried moisture alarm therapy. Nothing has seemed to work and my doctor recommends I try botox to help with my bladder muscles contracting at the wrong time. I don't see any pattern with what I do and what may cause me to wet certain nights. But when I go on vacations/sleep with my boyfriend, I have no issues wetting the bed and sleep through the night and wake up to pee early in the morning. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

Hello @soccergirl300. Nice to meet you; it's nice to find people in there 20s with similar bladder conditions. I'm sorry you're dealing with this.

Bladder problems suck; and sometimes we as people with them feel voiceless when it comes to support with them as the only people that will open up and talk to you about it is doctors and urologists.

You're on the right track in terms of trying to find solutions and while I'm still suffering from bladder control problems - I can assure you; you are not alone.

I suppose the best thing I could say is, some days you will feel good. Others not so much. Other days you will want to just stay inside and be a hermit. But you will get through it. I suppose I would encourage you to stay hydrated and be active; anyway you can be.

I know it's a catch 22 - but my urologist actually helped me understand that a body that stays hydrated is actually better for your bladder problems than staying dehydrated. Ive found it has helped myself in many ways.

In regards to nightime continence; it can vary from person to person. With myself; ive found my spasms which worsen in the evening - cause bladder "surges" at night where I leak constantly in very short intervals. If I didn't wear protection; I would need a bed pad.

Anyway, take care - and wish you all the best.

Blessings in Christ,
Phil6003 said:
@ltapilot, are you sure it is easier for a male to self-cath than a female?
I had thought that the extra length of a male urethra made cathing more tricky for men, and more likely to cause irritation, scarring and UTIs.
For myself I have an absolute horror of self-cathing and it has always put me off trying botox.

The male urethra is easy to find. Most women who need to cath have to use a mirror to see the urethra, and even then it can get hidden in the various folds of skin. Some of the challenge of cathing for females is how to hold a mirror with one hand, pull back the skin with the other hand, and insert the catheter with the other other hand. They make mirrors that are designed to be held hands free to help with this, but it's still an extra challenge.

The male urethra is longer, and there's a prostate and an extra bend in the urethra that can get in the way, but in my mind that's overall less of an issue than the challenge for women of not being able to see the urethra. That may not be true for every individual - there are men who have a very difficult time getting a catheter in, and women who can routinely cath without needing a mirror - but in general I think it's more difficult for women, particularly when they're first learning how.

For many years the conventional wisdom in the medical community was that men, with their longer urethra, needed lidocaine gel while women did not. More recently it's come out that inserting a catheter is about equally uncomfortable for either sex, and the recommendation has shifted to using lidocaine for everyone. There's some unfortunate history in the medical profession of taking women's pain less seriously than men's pain, and this falls into that same pattern.

It's worth noting that many who have to self cath regularly don't need lidocaine at all. I have it available, but I rarely use it because my urethra has gotten used to having a catheter inserted. It depends on the individual and on the type of caterer used.
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