New adult onset nocturnal enuresis


Staff member
I have had OAB for over 15 years. I have been on numerous medications. I mostly had urge incontinence. I was on Oxybutynin for over 8 years and it was working fine. My doctor decided last year that they wanted to take me off Oxybutynin due to side effects it can cause. They put me on Myrbetriq and it was fine for awhile then I started nocturnal incontinence. I didn't even know I was going. Doctor switched me to Gemtesa and it worked for a few weeks and then nocturnal incontinence again. Basically told doctor I would rather take my chances with Oxybutynin. Started back on Oxybutynin 7/21 and hoping incontinence goes away! Anyone else have this experience?
I don’t have enuresis. Though I almost wish I did 😩. Waking up 1-2 times a night with painful bladder that sometimes lets me get to the toilet, but often doesn’t interrupts sleep leaving me tired constantly. The daytime accidents I can tolerate and work around. It’s the night that leaves me aggravated and sometimes thinking. “Bladder, if you’re going to do this. Then just do it and let me sleep. I am wearing protection anyway so leave me alone!”

I could not tolerate the side effects of the meds and so I am not on medication currently
Tarlton said:
I don’t have enuresis. Though I almost wish I did 😩. Waking up 1-2 times a night with painful bladder that sometimes lets me get to the toilet, but often doesn’t interrupts sleep leaving me tired constantly. The daytime accidents I can tolerate and work around. It’s the night that leaves me aggravated and sometimes thinking. “Bladder, if you’re going to do this. Then just do it and let me sleep. I am wearing protection anyway so leave me alone!”

I could not tolerate the side effects of the meds and so I am not on medication currently
I wouldn't wish bedwetting on my worst enemy but I can see where you are coming from. I have to admit since my bedwetting came back I no longer wake in the night and get a long restful sleep.
I was on oxybutynin for a while, followed by other OAB meds. None of them reduced my leakage, but none actually made my symptoms worse.
It seems odd that any medication designed to treat OAB would have the opposite effect and make your symptoms worse. I'd suggest talking to your Dr about having more investigation done. There may be something else happening to trigger your nightime accidents that is unrelated to the medication change.
The medications I found actually do 2 different things. Oxybutynin helps with detrusor muscle and Myrbetriq and Gemtesa help relax the bladder.

Have you tried Tamsulosin 0.4 mg.?

Have you asked about Interstim by Medtronic? (Must be done by a skilled urologist surgeon.)

I have been on this combination of therapies for many years now, and they have worked well for me. There are several of us here that have had good results with the Interstim.
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