Nervous bladder


Staff member
I am a 54 year old female and have been suffering from a nervous bladder ever since I was a child. I have no problem holding my urine in but when I get emotionally stressed or in a situation when I start to panic I lose bladder control. I had a panic attack at work 2 months ago and this happened in front of my boss ... I was mortified. I know it is my anxiety that is causing this and it's now a catch 22 situation ... because I'm always so worried about losing bladder control I'm in a constant flight / fight mode which only makes my nervous bladder worse. I finally plucked up the courage to see my doctor last week and am now on 5mg vesicare a day. I just find it impossible to relax and enjoy life now. Does anyone else have this problem ? Any advise would be much appreciated.
If I may ask, have you tried kegaling exercises? The reason I'm mentioning this is that I've had a radical proscetomy, before all this my urologist suggested kegaling. It helps. I get a nervous/overactive bladder,sometimes- I love my coffee, but... the best to you.
I am 74 years old & had prostate removed in 2001. I have had incontinence ever since then. There are several good medications for your problem and if Vesicare does not work try Detrol la or myrbetrig. I took Myrbetrig for years and it worked fine until a year ago. It is more expensive than Detrol. If one medication does not work, try another.
There is a simple operation that the urologist can do on women and I suggest you look into that first.
Dannie, Robts suggestions sound good. You'll do well.
God bless you! Did you have a robotic prostatectomy at the time? Thanks
Thanks guys. I've been doing Kegel exercises for months but not helping. A female friend had the op and that didn't help her at all. Have been on Vesicare for nearly a week, I think it's helping but probably too soon to be sure. I think a large part of my problem is my anxiety which triggers the nervous bladder, doc doesn't want to give medication for that so will see how things go 😊
Thanks to all of you...just joined...72 year old male.low carb diet, lot of exercise, spinal fusion 7 years ago... Nocturia/ OAB .. Urologist ruled out BPh, psa etc..tried mybetrig, Nocdurna ( decompressin , concerned about side affects).. Have not tried kegel ( will do so ), assessing anxiety as a cause.. noticed in one mail on the site that acid intake may be aproblem .. Eat a lot of fruit ( has anyone found reduction helpful).. Anyway appreciate the site.
While your doctor is experimenting with various medications, you might still need protection of some sort. This could mean an external catheter if you're male, an insert if you're female, or diapers. Discovering what works and what fails is often trial and error, so do not give up at the first accident. Good luck.
Patrick.. Thank you..male.. Is the catheter you are talking about a throw away that you insert as required during the day and once particularly at bedtime? I have heard that it is particularly effective for weakened bladder wall/ muscles? Is it effective for other conditions?
External catheters are essentially condoms with perforated tips that accommodate tubing which is attached to a leg bag. Because I'm double incontinent, I cannot use them. Folks for whom they work use them day and night. You need the correct size, and the suspension system either for your leg, or for the larger bag needed for nighttime protection. Learning to use them involves considerable experimentation, and occasionally a doctor's prescription.
@robt I had a robotic prostatectomy last december and now have stress incontinence. How did those drugs help you ? Did they cut down on the volume of urine or on the frequency of having to go ?
My experience with the drugs commonly prescribed for incontinence was that they were all side effect, no cure. The sphincterotomy was by far the best solution, even though it meant that I would never regain control.
Back in the loop.. Appreciate the support and discussion..again 73 year old male.. Nocturia.. ( spinal fusion 2008 ) ..Tried ( urologist ) mybetriq, toviaz, nocdurna.. ( all side effects ).. Focused on sleep.. Gp .. Trazadone ( 25 mg ) plus melatonin .. Worked great ( for months ) still up to pee but immediately back to sleep. But like all meds side effect tinnitus ( not good ) .. Thoughts.. Much appreciated! Rebel
dannie61 said:
Thanks guys. I've been doing Kegel exercises for months but not helping. A female friend had the op and that didn't help her at all. Have been on Vesicare for nearly a week, I think it's helping but probably too soon to be sure. I think a large part of my problem is my anxiety which triggers the nervous bladder, doc doesn't want to give medication for that so will see how things go 😊
dannie61 said:
Thanks guys. I've been doing Kegel exercises for months but not helping. A female friend had the op and that didn't help her at all. Have been on Vesicare for nearly a week, I think it's helping but probably too soon to be sure. I think a large part of my problem is my anxiety which triggers the nervous bladder, doc doesn't want to give medication for that so will see how things go 😊
What's the harm with anxiety medication. It could be the resolution to your bladder problems. I know that for a fact. The more anxious I am the more likely I am to wet my pants, hence I always wear those Tena pull ups you can buy in the shop. The ones with the butterflies on them, just for security purposes. I carry spares in my back back to. It is one less stressor knowing the whole world won't find out that you wet your pants. I have done just that and suffered the consequences of walking around wet. Thank goodness my long pants were dark blue. I am a Nurse so I towel dried my pants as much as I could and put on a gown. Then kept out of everyone's way. Till home time, hoping no one found out.
Thanks CMcK, it's good to finally get a response from someone who seems to have the same problem as me. I am now also on a daily tablet for anxiety which has definitely helped with stress and the nervous bladder, but has not alleviated the problem. I'm the same as you, the more anxious I am the more it goes straight to my bladder. And knowing that I could wet my pants makes it all much worse ... I wear a pad with a 3 rating at work, luckily have never had to test its absorbency, but still worry constantly about the possibility of an accident. How effective are the pull ups you use ? Will look for them when I go to the shops later 🙂
You'll find them in Coles or Woolworths. They come in medium and large and have a five drop factor. Please don't buy the cheaper ones as they are a waste of money. You can also buy them from Chemist Wharehouse. If you buy them from Chemist Wharehouse you will get a voucher each time, and after five packets, the sixth one will be free. So don't chuck out the receipts. I also think they are cheaper there as well. I buy my Tena Maxi pull ups for night time purposes. Good luck and Take care and hope to chat soon. Claire (CMcK)
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