Need some advice


Staff member
Hello friends
Just Need help with a question.
Currently I have cpps/chronic pelvic pain syndrome it causes OAB from time to time and only lasts about 2 or 3 days at most.
My primary doctor is very helpful and understanding,unfortunately the specialist/urologist for my issue hasn't been.
My primary has given me a medicine that has pretty much solved 99% of my frequent urination and 99% of my pelvic pain.
The medicine only side effects
I dislike are drowsey like feeling.
I just can't seem to feel ok with taking a medication that is primary perscribed to people much older than me
Im 37.
I think my urologist just rubbed me the wrong way when he thought I had bph!
The other medication I can take is pretty close in nature but for overactive bladder works pretty good.
I guess I'm just not prepared to be dependent on medication any help would be appreciated.
I feel ashamed i have slight oab from time to time at 37.
@Izthewiz i have not had any luck with a medication for my urinary incontinence but if that one works for you i’d say stick with it if it is only occasionally that you need it.

as for an unhelpful urologist, i’d say find a new one. hopefully there are others in your area. i’ve changed urologists a few times. but it can go both ways. one recently blocked me from calling because he did not want to deal with the issues i present. kind of shocking.

so i do think you can feel comfortable with switching. hoping this helps. hoping you find satisfactory solutions. best...

My GP solved my diarrhea issue when 3 GI specialists couldnt. Cleared me up in 12 hours. How did he know? These GPs listen to lectures, seminars put on by specialists in the hospital they are affiliated with. Great source of info. I have found urologists to be very haughty for the most part.
I might suggest you try halving the dose, doing same frequency. Maybe you can get a balance
Thank you both.
Trying to accept that this is reality.
At 37 this issue was all caused by my spinal issues and I accept that this is my fate, I'm grateful to be alive.
HI Iz, grateful to be alive that is where it's at!! Sure beats the alternative! I think you would be wise to find a different urologist. If the one you go to "rubbed me the wrong way," then that is surely a red flag to get out of Dodge! I hope there are other urologists in your area as you want to find one with whom you are comfortable. Possibly you can schedule just a "get acquainted" type of interview to get a feel for the new urologist's office staff and to talk to the doctor without having to put on a gown and sit on the examining table. Another plus: a different urologist may want to revisit what you're taking for meds. Don't be shy about telling the doctor how you feel about your meds. A doctor can't really be effective unless he/she knows just what you're thinking. If that doctor feels what you're taking may be inappropriate then that in itself will be worth making the change. So make finding a different urologist a priority and by doing so it will put YOU in the driver's seat!:D
I’m 37 and I have chronic pelvic pain. Would you be willing to share what medication you’re taking?
Yes currently I'm taking tamsulosin
0.04 mg per day.
I only take when I'm having a flare up.
My doctor wrote me a prescription for the next 11 month's.
Btw did you have any back issues with bulging discs? I believe it can cause this with nerve impingement in the lumbar l1-s4 area
I have alot of lower back pain, started seeing a chiropractor for that... not sure which disk but I have mild arthritis in lower back and minor scoliosis.. they gave me amatryptaline to take at night... my flare ups feel awful and can last for days... I think pelvic floor exercised can help so I'm going to start that soon. I have a urologist appt coming up, I've seen many doctors already... when did your flare-ups start? they are so debilitating for me... You are taking the tamsulosin for pain?
My issue started in October of 2019
I didn't know what it was at first
It came on one night while sleeping
My bladder was inflamed,hurt to pee it burned also I couldn't sleep as I was getting up every 5 minutes for 3 days in a row .
I finally went to ER they did a ct scan,blood work and ua all came Back normal beside 2 bulging discs l4-l5 and l5-s1 with nerve impingement
My Symptoms just seemed to disappear that day after a week or so.
I thought it was do to anxiety and I was done with it,nope I've had 3 or 4 flare ups within that time nothing as worse as the first.
For the pain I'm used to it as I have back pain daily as I'm active in Brazilian Jujitsu but tamsulosin seems to relive the cramping and almost all symptoms.
If you have disc issues I believe this causes them a mri is very helpful.
If you have questions I'm here to listen and help.
Thank you, I appreciate that. I would see a Gonstead chiropractor specifically. Gonstead is very precise, down to the cm. I had a great one in another state (I have relocated since) who fixed my pain completely but unfortunately there are alot of bad ones who don't know what they are doing.. mine came on suddenly, the back and pelvic pain just comes in "flare-ups" also my feet hurt as well.. I do think there is something to fixing spine. Also try doing pelvic floor exercises as I keep resding this helps, I am going to try this and yoga once they reopen the yoga studio here... let me know how things go. Hope you get well soon.
@jessicalee A chiropractor isn’t an actual doctor. They can really hurt you permanently with the things they do to grant you temporary relief. I highly recommend you see a back specialist, a real M.D., particularly a Physiatrist (not to be confused with a Psychiatrist, lol). There’s not much that any doctor, real or fake, can do to cure lower spine injury, but there a few treatments to try, and if you have health insurance, they’ll cost you A LOT less than a quack chiropractor. There’s a reason insurance companies don’t pay for chiropractors: they’re basically just masseuses. There’s nothing wrong with getting relief any way you can get it. I just think you should get to the root of the problem with the scientific diagnostic aid that only an M.D. or D.O. can provide. I totally agree with Izthewhiz: you need to get an MRI. Basic x-rays don’t cut it when it comes to the spine.
@Izthewiz Hello. I’m sorry you’re experiencing shame because of taking a medication. It doesn’t mean you’re old, nor broken, nor sick. It just means you need a bit of help to be your best self. The alternative is way worse. Do you think women who take a birth control pill every day should be thought of as defective? How about my cousin, who is a Type 1 diabetic, and has been on three (or more) medications per day since she was 10 years old? How about a 20-year-old with IBS - should he go through life spraying caustic diarrhea everywhere, or take a simple little pill to help him be able to work, sit in a restaurant, be fully present in life, have a significant other? Medications are something to be grateful for. As recently as a hundred years ago, only one antibiotic had barely been invented. We live in a very lucky phase of human existence where we have so many options, medically. Yes, we would still benefit from having more options, too. But truly, don’t be too hard on yourself if you need some help from a pill sometimes. You *deserve* to live comfortably.

Also, keep in mind, most Americans take a daily medication by age 45, so you’re not too early. According to the CDC, about half of men your age already take at least one medication every day:

Separately, I second Billiveshere: I agree that you should get a kinder, better urologist. Easier said than done, I know. I need to do the same.
A chiropractor doesn't' really have that much of a medical background although they can put the title Doctor ahead of their name. Unless I'm mistaken, they can't prescribe medication (at least true years ago)and of course they don't do surgery. I wouldn't go to one unless a "real" doctor suggests that I do, but figure out the chances of that happening! One thing that turns me off is they take a large X-ray of the entire spine and surely that much radiation can't be all that good for you. Once a chiropractor gets you in for an exam and X-ray he or she will have you coming back again and again for ongoing manipulative treatment. It's a great way for them to make money! So please see an M.D. or a D.O., especially one who's board-certified.
I agree with Snow on the chiropractor thing.
They are now doing adjustments on new born babies.
This has now become criminally insane.
@Izthewiz ,
I had a chiropractor help my back several years ago so no complaints for his services on me. I’m not so sure I would ever take a baby to see one though unless it was ordered by a spine specialist that knew what they are doing. Fortunately the person I saw really did help me over a few visits. Can’t say the same for everyone’s skills though.
Thanks for the post. Learn all kinds of things here. That’s what makes it such a great place.
I have always been against chiropractors until a workmate was sent to one by her neurosurgeon who had burned nevers and injected her neck six times plus meds.

After 6 visits she is 90% better. I was having shoulder problems and had injections. Lot of pain and discomfort at night. Looked like surgery was on the horizon.

But after 2 visits combining minor manipulation and needling, I was the best I had been in years and even began bodybuilding at age 71. Cut short by my prostate cancer. Kayaking is mostly shoulders and her manipulation allowing me to kayak the sluggish Wabash river 9 miles in 2.5 hours. Its been 2.5 years so dont discount it. Baby manipulation! Wth is that all about?
Not a big fan of chiros with the exception above. They do who body stand up rads. Why? Maybe to make disc spaces appear smaller so they can get treatments to do
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