Fustrated with not finding a answer


Staff member
My age is 37 Ive been having the off and on oab like frequent urination from time to time I can go days without using oxybutynin or anything.
Recently my urologist placed me on
Flomax thinks my issue is from BPH/enlarged prostate
Ive had 2 ct scans of pelvic area
1 mri and all show normal pelvic area.
Also a dre test normal and psa @ 0.69 low
From what I've read its not possible to have bph with a low psa.
I have no blood in urine or pain in bladder and I'll admit the pills they gave me worked good but cause me to feel tired.
I take Oxy 5mg per day. I was a bit tired and started to exercise. it seems to have really helped. Not wanting to high jack your post although I wonder what is a normal Oxy dose per day? Best of luck.
My doctor prescribed oxybutynin
@5 mg 3 times per day.
I only take them at most once or twice a week before bed and only 1 5 mg tab
Per day.
It takes trial and error to find the right answer. My bedwetting has been going on for nearly my whole life. The doctors left it up to me to handle it as I see fit,so I chose to wear diapers and plastic pants. It works well for me.
My doctor concluded that I have oab and bed wetting caused by anxiety. All the physical tests came back normal.

It's hard to control because life is full of stuff to worry about. Pills don't help me when I going through a stressful event. I have to pee every 15-20 minutes when it is bad. Absorbent products do help alleviate some of the anxiety of having an embarrassing accident in public.
I have had similar experiences in my life since 2009 and think I sustained a back injury moving boxes from the upstairs flat to downstairs flat and have mild degeneration at L4, L5 and S1. I am diabetic type 2 now and have suffered symptoms of an enlarged prostate. I administer Tamsulosin also and this helps with my output flow. I have OAB, shy bladder with a high neck and intermittent leaking like a dripping tap. Botox has helped me and I am waiting to have my second injection now. Have you tried Botox?
Most likely as I have this issue also.
L4-l5 disc,l5-s1 bulging disc With nerve impingement.
My doctor agrees with my urologist
Thinks it can be my back or something else/luts.
I feel for you are experiencing this. It's so frustrating to constantly be shuffled between doctors, specialists, and PA's.

Don't give up and keep self-educating on topics, oftentimes these conditions are just tricky enough to diagnose... it's good you are posting here!
My second urologist, ordered a urodynamics, after it was done, he quickly gave me answers that not even my caregiver could understand. He quickly left the room. I got dressed and left. I finally obtained a copy of the test, then ask my Urology PA ( who has given me more info then anyone)did confirm I have a hypotonic bladder, spasms/and urge incontinence/ pelvic pain issues. She didn't seem optimistic of any improvement, but also thought we should continue to try different options. So that is what is happening, or was before the virus hit. She does have me on several medications on trial, then we move on.

With no comments against my urology Dr. as he has patients that have horrible issues. But I will, with my urology PA continue to look. I do have a regimen that she suggested and approved with straight cathing, Foley catheter and eventually home pelvic therapy. Oh yes full incontinence protection, w/ ointments she has suggested.
Does your issue ever disappear?
My issue is gone at moment for 2 todays now.
It seems to just break almost how a fever does.
It can be gone for many many weeks
12 weeks last time.
I recently ditched the flomax only using oxybutynin when needed usually 1 per day and I'm good.
@Izthewiz , No, it is always with me, maybe a little better here and there, but never lets me be free. I need to be prepared daily and bedtime.
I use too quit meds cancel appointments without discussing with my urology team, but no longer do that without their approval, as I found out they no longer looked for me to try different options.
I see
My urologist thinks in my case that
Testosterone usage made my prostate grow and I have discontinued using it only using a few natural things
And oxybutynin once a week if that seems to be getting better.
I Believe my prostate can shrink as it grew do to using steroids for 6 years non stop for trt.
Boomersway said:
@Izthewiz , If you are feeling better, that is a good thing. Stick with the plan, and keep us posted
Izthewiz said:
I see
My urologist thinks in my case that
Testosterone usage made my prostate grow and I have discontinued using it only using a few natural things
And oxybutynin once a week if that seems to be getting better.
I Believe my prostate can shrink as it grew do to using steroids for 6 years non stop for trt.
Izthewiz said:
I see
My urologist thinks in my case that
Testosterone usage made my prostate grow and I have discontinued using it only using a few natural things
And oxybutynin once a week if that seems to be getting better.
I Believe my prostate can shrink as it grew do to using steroids for 6 years non stop for trt.

I am thinking that the Oxy requires a build up and should be taken all the time and not sporadically. Supposedly it can take up to a month for max effect.
I'm going to discontinue as I don't
Really need anyone more as the symptoms are declining.
I believe the testosterone isn't causing my issues anymore.
Ive discontinued all testosterone shots
Seems to be getting better
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