Myrebetriq update


Staff member
Thanks so much to everyone who shared their experiences! It helped me decide not to go with it yet for URGE INCONTINENCE.
If anyone else has tried this drug, I’d love to read your experiences.
Hi @marciafry, that's the value of a forum like this. People tell of their experiences and that enables you to be informed and to more easily make up your mind. Frankly, I would use medicine only as a last resort, but that is just me speaking!!
Marcia fry, I’m really glad to see you used this forum for reactions to this type of drug. The people with a vested interest in its success/ failure who are consistently looking for better, safer options, and relief from in my case the painful spasms.
I had tried a few similar drugs prior to this, all with unlivable side effects long term from bad headaches, stomach upset, sweating etc. etc. One major side effect I later learned from this class of drugs is a very big jump in Alzheimer’s Disease, specifically many former users of this class of drugs. Apparently this stuff accelerates the formation of the plaque which causes the death of many brain cells and neurotransmitters accelerating the onset and severity of loss of brain function…
This is a layman’s review, by somebody who tried it and others similar to it; and and have lost my Grandmother, Mother & 2 wonderful Aunts to Alzheimer’s Disease, to me it’s not worth it. This should be told to anyone this is prescribed for, then let them make the decision.
Best of luck!
Hi @Sprung87, Although I do not plan to use medicine at this point for my incontinence, thank you so much for this post!!! I hope everybody contemplating using meds on this forum takes the time to read what you said and take it to heart!! We all know that Alzheimer's is something to be avoided at all costs, you have done everyone here a real service! And you are spot-on saying that everyone who is prescribed this medicine needs to alerted to this side effect and they should make their own decision. Once again, thank you so much!!!
Myrebetriq: Here’s an article from AARP.
I’m not going to take this Med yet. And it does seem worth more reading, regardless.

“Correction: An earlier version of this article mistakenly implied that mirabegron (Myrbetriq), which the FDA approved last year for the treatment of overactive bladder, is an anticholinergic drug; in fact, it is in a new class of medications called beta-3 adrenergic agonists and is not expected to cause memory loss seen with anticholinergic medications. There currently are no data describing the effect of Myrbetriq on cognition.”
I take Myrbetriq, and I've found it helps a lot with urgency and painful spasms. I have had no side effects from it, at least none that I've been able to identify.
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