Myrbetriq report


Staff member
My Uro has had me try this drug to deal with part of my issues. If I understand it the drug dials down the number of times a person feels the need to urinate. OAB Over Active Bladder.

I think the drug is more complex then that but what I wanted to report is that for an overactive bladder it seems to work quite well. I had been taking it for a while to see if it was of any value and honestly forgot why I was taking it. I was much more focused on how I was going to deal with my combo of incomplete emptying and small bladder.

Anyhow... I ran out of samples (Asked if I should ask for more) got some but missed a few days. So... OMG going back to the way it used to be really sucked. I almost went to using an external catheter just to limit the number of times I was marching in and out of the bathroom. When I started taking it again I actually read the insert and went online.

So for me this was a good test. I certainly wasn't expecting anything to change (Like a placebo problem) so mark me down as thumbs up Myrbetriq people! Without it I could urinate and go directly to bed feeling like I could go again. And I was cathing so I was really empty. Of course your results may vary.

BTW for whatever its worth before this I gave Oxybutynin a long trial (I was told that it might take 6 to 8 weeks to kick in) I tried it for two months and was very glad to discontinue. Side effects for me included unbearable constipation (Like creating problems bad enough to need to see a rectal doc)
Another update.
My insurance sent me a note saying that Myrbetriq is not on the formulary and that I have to try one more generic before they will consider making an exception. So. I'm giving a drug thats on the formulary a try. Its Trospium Chlooride ER. Like the other drugs I've tried I'm told it takes a month before it kicks in and it seems that after quitting Mrybetriq I'm back to frequent visits (Thus cathing) and the amounts I'm voiding are smaller in volume then I've been seeing. Anyhow - so far no serious side effects other then (I think?) a little blurry vision. I felt like my glasses were dirty all the time and without them? Forget about it. I'll try to post at the end of the month to report if that works or not. *I kinda wish I could have stayed with the Myrbetriq but I understand the insurance places have much less to pony up on generics and I think Myrbetriq is brand name. So knock on wood I hope this works!
I tried myrbetriq and I have a lousy high deductible health plan so I pay out of pocket. Over $300 a month for this stuff. "luckily" or not, it had the same crappy side effects as all the other OAB pills I've tried so I stopped it. Even if it worked, I can't pay that much for it. Diapers and pullups cost me less than half that.

I'm sure you could fight your insurance too. It's not "the same" as all the generics. It's a new pill with a new mode of action so it's not fungible with other OAB meds. Maybe you could ask your doctor to write a letter to that effect?
If a generic works I don't mind switching. I'm a cheapskate and I hate even the insurance companies getting shafted for something that can be done cheaper with a generic. However... So far the current drug is not kicking in so I'm back and forth to the bathroom a LOT. The volume is low and it looks like I'll go through a lot more caths this month.

Oh! thats the "test" use the 2nd generic for a month. If side effects are unbearable I can opt out earlier but so far other then some blury vision I guess I'm ok. Hopefully that goes away after a couple weeks.

Sorry to hear you stuck with pullups. Have you ever tried a condom cath? Its not perfect but its keeps you dry. Great if you want to go to see baseball and don't want to stand in line or go into one of those public rest rooms ;-)
I haven't tried condom catheter. I don't wear 247 but only during commute or other times when I know I won't be near a bathroom. At home or in the office I can get to a bathroom in time. I'd rather wear pull-ups or even diapers if needed than deal with bags and tubes to be honest estate. I like to stay active and I feel like bags and tubes would limit me more than an absorbant product. I wear heavy disposables to bed and have gotten used to it. I move around in bed so much I think a diaper is the only way to go.
MikeJames said:
I haven't tried condom catheter. I don't wear 247 but only during commute or other times when I know I won't be near a bathroom. At home or in the office I can get to a bathroom in time. I'd rather wear pull-ups or even diapers if needed than deal with bags and tubes to be honest estate. I like to stay active and I feel like bags and tubes would limit me more than an absorbant product. I wear heavy disposables to bed and have gotten used to it. I move around in bed so much I think a diaper is the only way to go.


I've tried a number of times to make a condom cath work. Lots of considerations happen and must be dealt with.

Any resistance (kinking) in the tubing, coupled with a sudden and urgent void, can and DID blow the condom cath off in just seconds. If you cannot stop the voiding, it's an embarrassing disaster. Oh, not to mention, if you are any way prone to UTI's, that type of rigging is an open invitation to it unless quite rigid hygienic measure are always followed.

And a bag gets full, heavy, bulky and sloshes audibly. It needs to be emptied quickly after voiding, or it becomes somewhat of a liability that only the wearer can experience, no matter where you position it.

That's my take on on the condom cath.
Was it the connection to the hose or are you saying the actual condom part came off? I honestly can't think of a way to kink the hose on the device I tried. Anyway without sounding like a salesman (I'm not connected with them in anyway - other then being a customer) I would urge you to check out

The condom part (Conveen was what I tried) is afixed with something that I just can't imagine will blow off. The leg bag (There is a picture on the right side of the page) talks about anti-kink tubing and I would endorce that statement. I can't imagine how you could kink that thing. I never had any "sloshing" at least not that I remember. This is from 3 months ago but my memory was that there really wasn't any significant amount of air in the bag and thus no room for the urine to splash around.

Anyway your results may vary! Since its essentially free to try (Free samples) why not get in touch with them and ask to try the Conveen system. They give you enough supplies to get a good feel on it. I really don't know about how good or bad this system is with UTIs. I'm just thinking out loud but if your not in a position to have it back up and your using new condoms regulalrly wouldn't it avoid that issue? And pads and such I would think are the most likely way to get UTIs. Or am I wrong? I don't know btw - this is all 2 cents worth of blathering from someone without any medical background.

I wish you success whatever you do!
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