My most dreaded appointment tomorrow. Dentist. ugg.


Staff member
Tomorrow I go to get my teeth done. Not looking forward to it. Getting a cleaning and they are going to fill anything that they can. I have really bad teeth due to not having insurance for so long.

The biggest thing is that I am worried about accidents during the appointment. The last time I was there was before I had this botox done so I am leaning toward wearing a brief vs. a pull-up. The appointment is later in the day so I have to eat in the morning which normally makes my bowel issues bad.

I just wish that the dentist office where my aunt works took my Medicaid because then I would not care about my issues.
ThatFLGuy- Can't you explain to the dental staff about it? No need to be ashamed or anxious. It is what it is.
I hate the dentist. Hate hate hate. I have severe anxiety over it. It’s hard finding a good dentist that takes Medicaid. My teeth are not so great.

Had to talk to them a bit the first time. I had to get a tooth pulled and they wanted to send me home with antibiotics... Yea with my GI issue I would have to call my doctor first so they just pulled it that day.

I actually have black spots on my teeth from them being so bad. I brush all the time but I had my wisdom teeth came it years ago and broke a bunch of my teeth due to how they came in. Got all but one of them pulled.

Okay truth, my aunt is a dental hygienist here in PA. The doctor she worked for retired years ago and after my uncle died from cancer she took a few years off. well, he was the only dentist I trusted. Had I let someone in Florida pull my wisdom teeth the year they came in I would have beautiful teeth. but no one knew that my lower right one would come in 'in' my jaw and mess up my bottom teeth. My tops were just a bit off but pushed enough to crack a few teeth.

The other thing is that my GI and PCP feel that because I had reflux for so long that it damaged my teeth so there is that too.

My aunt's office takes Medicaid but they were not taking new people. She even tried to get me on the books I already set up with this other person. Which sucks because it is 45 minutes away for me. But that is really anywhere for me because I live in the middle of no were.
May I suggest you not eat before the appt, if that is at all possible for you? I think the brief idea is the right one. I always wear heavier protection when at the dentist, but so far, the procedures have never triggered problems for me. Fact is, there isn't anything that I can point at as a trigger; it happens when it happens- all the same, I go with thicker protection when I'm in the dentist's office.
Definitely wear something you know is good and will hold up. One never knows how long one will be at the dentist. In a situation like going to the dentist it's better to have something like the Betterdry and not need it than to need it and not have it!!
And I hope it goes well for you and turns out much better than you expected.
Please know I'm not a big fan of going to dentists and my wallet is even less of a fan! With no dental insurance the real pain is in my wallet, not so much my teeth!!!
My dentist and his assistants know I have incontinence and have to run to the bathroom every 5-20 minutes, particularly when they use anesthetic. I am scared of teeth work but it gets easier with time.

I had to talk to my dentist last time, but since that visit, a lot has gotten worse. On top of that, I have a 40-minute drive to the appointment.

I still get wrecked with anxiety about stuff but it is getting better. Not much I can do about what I am going through.
JustEJ - I also had a dread of dentists until I had to have two wisdom teeth pulled at 18 and then had to have a perfectly good upper molar pulled pulled because the tooth one the bottom decayed after I had a monster car accident. The upper tooth tried to come down to fill the hole that the bad tooth had left. So after those experiences I read a book, of all things, about how overcome fear of the dentist. It worked. Did you know that there is a high suicide rate in the dental profession. They feel bad about it too! But anymore dentists put a liquid anesthetic on the gum before they shoot it, don't panic!! so that you don't have any pain. When I was 25 and living in Oswego, New York, I had to have a decayed tooth filled and the dentist put a brace and strap around my mouth and jaw to hold my mouth open. I was reclining there and thinking about how funny I must look and got so tickled that I couldn't contain myself and they had to take it off and wait until I got in control of myself. The dentist was not happy about it, but I was a cash patient! It was hilarious!
Correction - my computer doesn't like some of my conversation. It wasn't Oswego, it was Owego, near Binghamton! OMG It's getting late and my Melatonin is kicking in.
Honestly Dentists are not so bad. I have had my teeth drilled without numbing before and if you think about it, they just want to get you in and out. You could try going to the bathroom right before and after the appointment to see if that would help. You also can let them know about your issues, and if they get fussy, I'd find another dentist because this isn't a choice for you. Good luck! I think it will go better than you think :)
HI FlGuy, well you're lucky your Medicaid covers what you're having done today. And I like ICGamer's thought right upstairs that it will go better than you think!!! Always think on the positive side!!!😀😀
I feel your pain. I am 99% sure my heart issues and incontinence are linked. They will be doing testing so I need to bring a ton of supplies and can't fully plan ahead.
As for supplies, it's always better😊 to bring a little more than you think you will need!! Because if you bring the bare minimum that's when the appointments will go into serious overtime!!!☹

Just got back home. Appointment was good. Just a teeth cleaning and then filling in a few weeks. Almost didn't make it to the bathroom when I got there and the parking lot that I thought was for the dentist wasn't and almost got my car towed.

No pain from the appointment so that is a plus.

Almost didn't make it in my apartment before having a bowel accident but got lucky. Might be the milk shake I drank on the way home. Got to love Chick-fil-A.

So not a bad day.
Sounds like it went better than you thought!!!😊😊😊 And that's always a plus! Well it's nice to have that done and over with!!
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