Mosquito bite type welts, nite only.


Staff member
For urinary incontinence, i wear heavy duty pads at nite. In the morning, on thighs or butt, i have one or two itching welts that look/feel like mosquito bites. Welts disappear by noon.
I am guessing, but possibly there is minor leakage from pad and excess urine settles on thigh or butt, Welt appears on side i am sleeping on. So if i sleep on left side, welt is on left thigh. If i am on back, welt is on butt.
If you have a plastic mattress protector and sweat this may happen. Especially if you stay in one position all night.
I think your skin is reacting to the constant moisture. You might find relief using some powder or corn starch. In fact,the more space you can put between your skin and the plastic, the better. I would try corn starch wrapped in several layers of Kleenex and see if that helps. Good luck!
I sometimes have issues with areas where something is tight to my skin such as if I make the tapes too tight around my legs or sometimes with the PUL pants I use the tightness on my thighs I get something similar don't know if that could have anything to do with it but it might
Yes, greengold, sometimes the "mosquito bite"will occur where there was a tight band. And sometimes not. It only o ccurs overnite and disappears by noon.
Well apparently can't edit that last one since I meant to include more information for me I've had more issues with itching with Abena for some reasons not sure if it is a chemical they use or something else
I'm a little late to the conversation but it could help if you used a barrier cream at night before bed. Something like desitin would work. In my experience it's the extended exposure to moisture that can cause this and the cream will help protect your skin.
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