More issues. Blood work.


Staff member
Well, now my blood work today showed that my kidney functions are suffering as well as my liver numbers still being high.
The test done was an Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate

Mine was at 80.6mL/min that means that it is showing kidney damage with mild loss of kidney function as per

So yea. Like always with me... When it rains it's a freaking hurricane.
Sorry to hear that! You really haven’t been winning lately. Here’s to praying it will get much better very soon for you. 🙏

Stay strong!
I hold my breath everytime I have one of those tests, as I am taking so many drugs and worry about liver and kidney function. So far, so good. I did not begin cathing for more than a year after my spinal cord injury (radiation) as not one of my many doctors mentioned it until I went to rehab recently! I am grateful there was not as much damage as I would have thought. Probably because I was able to sit and stand more then than I do now, and gravity likely helped reduce the urine retained.

So did the doctors advise you to take any steps? Can this be improved or at least avoided more in future? More liquids? Frequency of cathing? If no one suggested steps, please ask if there is anything that you can do to help the situation. I'm hoping for improvement for you. It's hard to stay positive in the face of a hurricane, but try to acknowledge the worst and keep moving forward, doing what you can to make things better for your health and situation. I have days of despair and often wonder how I will keep going, too, when I cannot literally put one foot in front of the other! I find it helps to acknowledge my despair and give me some time to process it then try to put it aside and get busy with what I need to do.

Meanwhile, I am trying to find a therapist who accepts Medicare to help me talk through some of this with him/her so I can get a better handle on my situation and deal with it. It's not easy. And I do hear you, Florida Guy.
I'm really sorry to hear about your kidney involvement. Do ask your specialists if there is something you can do to hopefully offset what's going on. I know you haven't been having an easy time lately and please know you have my sympathy and best wishes for trying to resolve this as much as possible. But we are here for you and we are all pulling for you.
So, as far as steps that have been suggested so far they are only to lose weight and cut fatty foods out.

But, I have been doing that for two months and the numbers are still up so I am going to see a liver doctor and get more information.

My biggest issue with some of my doctors is that they don't tell me anything except to take this medication or that medication. I had to ask about tests. I had to ask about diet, they originally said that noting about my diet caused what I am dealing with so.

Now so much is going wrong that I just don't know.

Tomorrow I go to PT and I will talk to my PT about everything and ask her opinion on who I should talk to because I am fed up feeling like crap all the time and waiting months to see doctors or ending up getting bad medication at the ER when I have to go there (See my past post about that)

The fact is I feel like my medical team is not doing anything about what is going on with me except my PT person.

The test showed how bad this all is and they are like "Well keep going to PT and it will all work out."

HELLO been going for almost a year and nothing has changed... In fact, the pain has gotten worse so.
It sounds like for now your PT is your "point person" and just tell her what you're telling us here. And emphasize that you wait for months to see the doctors and that you need to see a doctor a lot sooner. And do tell your PT that the pain has gotten worse. If fact, ask the PT point-blank, if she had your symptoms and your pain, who would she go to? Surely she would know that answer. And if she puts in a good word about this doctor can she help you get an appointment sooner, rather than later? So just lay your cards right out on the table!! And I hope you read this before you go to your PT appointment. In other words, just don't hold back on how you feel!
billliveshere said:
It sounds like for now your PT is your "point person" and just tell her what you're telling us here. And emphasize that you wait for months to see the doctors and that you need to see a doctor a lot sooner. And do tell your PT that the pain has gotten worse. If fact, ask the PT point-blank, if she had your symptoms and your pain, who would she go to? Surely she would know that answer. And if she puts in a good word about this doctor can she help you get an appointment sooner, rather than later? So just lay your cards right out on the table!! And I hope you read this before you go to your PT appointment. In other words, just don't hold back on how you feel!

My PT is a saint in my book. She has been talking to their doctors about my case for a while now so I hope to have some questions answered tomorrow.

Truly, I have asked my GI a lot of questions about treatment options but was always told "Just keep doing what you are doing, take your meds, and keep going to PT."

I would not support me being on disability at first even knowing everything until my PT and PCP got involved with my care.

The issue is that my PCP does not do what my past one did and coordinate stuff so now I am always in limbo all the time.

Tomorrow I hope to find out how the meeting that my PT, GI, and a rectal surgery doctor had about my case and hope they have some answers. I know GI wants/thinks I need to drop a few pounds but with as much pain as I am in all the time now, that is not easy.
Hi FlGuy, Please try to talk to your PT after that meeting tomorrow and push to get an answer. I really hope they can tell you something definite and of course, talk to your PT first since you really trust her and know that she is on your side.
I hope they give you a definite idea of treatment other than "just keep doing what you're doing" type of a non-answer. As for me, my computer is giving me issues and I am going to try to get it fixed today. So if it has to spend time in the shop and I can't be on the forum for a time, please know that myself and everyone here is wishing all the best for you and we'll be pulling for you! I'll catch up with everyone when my computer is back!
Well, had a good PT visit. We just talked for the full hour about everything. Was good to get things off my chest. My Pt went so far as to tell me she chewed out my team of doctors. Said that Me/and her have tried everything and it is time that my doctor team starts to look at and try other tests to see what we can do.

PT is going to do a balloon study next appointment. This is not going to be for what that study was really for but rather to see if I have any sensation which PT already knows that I don't at the area that we do internal stretching. This is more of a rule-out thing and to see if I have any nervous system issues which PT feels like maybe part of my issues.

So June is going to be a very busy month. PT is on the warpath trying to get my help and even went so far as to get me a list of other doctors/PA-Cs for me to see if I cannot see my main doctors on a timely basis.

So, Yea. Good visit. We are going to try some things and should be getting answers from doctors soon.
Excellent! That is progresss, friend! If you can learn just one or two things that you can do to help yourself, you should feel better.

The whole information/communication part of being a patient is so tough. Some doctors can tell you a lot in just a minute and help you feel 100% more informed. Others...perhaps they are the technician-types, not the communicators, but their patients wish they would improve that part of their practice! Don't ever think for a second that you are not entitled to ask questions. Don't settle for less than what you want or need. I've supplemented a lot of my questions by using the internet judiciously. Websites should have .edu or .gov or .org as url addresses if you want to be confident in the content.

That said, I cannot get a doctor to comment on my pain--whether it is a sign of healing or more hard times ahead. Perhaps they don't know themselves. The brain is really playing around with my sensations!

I am so very glad you have a PT who listens!
One thing that my PT is going to ask my doctors about is getting me in to see an MTM/IPM specialist (Medication Therapy Management/Interventional pain management)

These doctors specialize in medication and pain management. They look at all of your medications and see how they interact with each other and what pain management they can give you.

This would be big because pain is very big right now.
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