Might as well cut my ding dong off!!!


Staff member
I am going to ask for further testing to see if there is signs of infection, yet my urine is clear to very pale yellow in color when I finally urinate. So, I would suspect that means no infection... But I am in so much pain at the base of my penis that is not going away at all. The doctor's office told me that they do not have a cancellation list for any procedures, so the date I am scheduled to have my procedure is the date I have unless I opt to postpone. That's frustrating but I have to just wait another month. That being said, I sometimes feel like I want cut my ding dong off - I won't, so don't report me for potential self-harm. I am just tired of being in pain... merely frustration talking here.
I have scarring where the docs re-attached my urethra to my bladder neck after the radical prostatectomy. Six months after my radiation treatments ended, I suddenly developed pain along the urethra with burning at the tip and pain near the bladder. The docs tell me this is due to the scarring, and nothing really can be done about it. On the good side, the pain is not constant, but I can’t figure out the rhyme or reason for when I do have the pain. So, I’ve tried cooing mechanisms - relaxation and breathing, both of which seem to help.
@Ricard Thanks for your story. Unlike you, I have not had any surgery thus far, although scheduled to have an ablation at the end of next month because my prostate is choking my urethra due to severe enlargement. My pain originally came and went, with the likely cause was that my bladder was starting to fill but not enough pressure to push the urine through, then the prostate relaxed as the pressure built up. Now it is non-stop. While having these tests I am going to ask for, I want the urologist to check for damage and/or gangrene. But since I am urinating when my bladder maxes out, I am not so sure about damage; I only want to rule out all possibilities so I have a positive prognosis after the ablation.
I know you’ve got a pretty complicated situation going on right now with that “MONSTER” prostate, and maybe we discussed this in prior conversations. I’m wondering if the currently be smashed it could be holding the outer sphincter locked open/ closed, maybe partially causing the muscles to knot.I’ve been told by my Docs that the group of muscles in our perinium are some of the most innervated, strongest in our entire body. Those are what hold us together.
Anyhow, as I mentioned part of my Neurogenic Bladder. When my bladder / Detrusor contracts, those muscles are supposed to relax opening the sphincter allowing you to pee. Seems like a great system when it works, in my case the more the detrusor contracts, the harder my sphincters clamp down. Only when the detrusor gives up, does my sphincter relax, usually causing a complete high pressure bladder void. I get terrible knots in the sphincter muscles causing extreme pain, and that sphincter area just happens to be where you are getting this pain.
There are some topical gel medications you can try to see if that helps relieve your pain. I know it’s a month, with the pain a LOOONG Month, but I’d talk with your Doc and see if they’ll prescribe it in the short term. It’s similar to a lidocaine, but it’s so safe they have OTC Preparations to numb things up, the script versions are safe and effective and just might get you through!
@Sprung87 Thanks for the very much appreciated advice, and information regarding the muscles, even if I missed the comments in an earlier discussion. Something never crossed my mind until you spoke about the muscles.

I am a Masters swimmer and had competed in the past, yet still swim multiple days a week. As a swimmer, the core is very essential to technique; you have to use your core to keep the hips high to reduce the amount of drag. Furthermore, all of the kicking is initiated from the core, and turns are driven by the core, no matter if you are doing a flip turn or an open turn; which in my case I have one of the best open turns because breaststroke is my specialty. In a nutshell, all of the abdominal muscles are being used. Something I never even considered.
Well, be greatful for what you have. 3 yrs post RP, stage 3 cancer. They removed 1.25 inches of the urethra, constant pain cancer still there with total urinary incontinence. Given 7 yrs to live.
Sorry to keep remembering what we already discussed at times. In 2007 after getting hit by a pickup at est.75mph while he was being chased by police, the drunk slammed into me on my Harley head-on. Luckily I was only going about 50! Despite wearing my helmet & leathers I still don’t remember much for weeks before or after, and still forget the dumbest stuff, so please forgive me!
It seems that about every 10 years or so I have some kind of crazy accident…. 1987, run over by gravel truck, crushed like a bean burrito! Spine, bladder and bowel fun began!
1996, fell 35 feet through the rotted 2nd floor of an ancient building being rehabbed into high end lofts, luckily I hit my head and blacked out. I landed in the basement where they were storing all of the beautiful hardwood trim, doors etc. Somehow on the flight down, I managed to tear my suit pants to shreds catching my leg bag on something and pulled the whole thing out, an 18fr.30ml indwelling Foley Catheter, it also cut a nice canoe shaped carving in my leg, I’m just damn glad I was “sleeping” for that. Of course lots of cuts and bruises, couple broken ribs, torn left rotator cuff, busted up my knees again and some broken toes & fingers. The worst part was not waking up for while, apparently hit my head hard enough to herniate some neck disks, but no cracks in my melon! I must have an incredibly thick skull, because no hemorrhages just horrible migraines & hard to focus for a few months.
Due to this being a medical conversation I will claim (with little if any medical knowledge, authority nor verification) that this explains emphatically why I can have such an average size head externally, but little if any hollow space inside. It says size Large right on my Panama Jack AND my Leather Kodiak hats, now if that doesn’t just SCREAM “FACT” I don’t know what would? Yet still I’ve found so little space left inside for stuff like memory, common sense or brains. See I’m not stupid, I’m just thick headed as the Nuns used to often tell me….
Sadly, I believe that once again I’ve jabbered on and lost my point. Going back to your exercise routine. While much different at first look, the basic tenets of both of our chosen sports and many others is a strong core. I’ll admit right up front I never achieved those 6 pack abs, it wasn’t for lack of trying!
My Sensei always told me I was going to need a bit of padding the way I let my sparring partners gut-kick me at will or so it seemed, or maybe I just liked it!(He really knew about all of my health challenges, yet never let up on me.) Realty was I rarely let anyone gut-kick me, not only because it hurt, but because I would double knot my catheter & valve and shove it all in my Jockstrap/ cup. Combine that with the thousands of Kegels I did each week, I was just a cramp away from an implosion! This could be another reason you feel your symptoms more acutely than others. Years of strengthening those muscles in rhythm with those that they attached to, or worked together with and now all of a sudden that very delicate balance of nerves and muscles working synergistically is out the window, and the pieces are all doing what they were trained for, but completely out of synch, or just out of touch???
Again, you’re an athlete, I don’t have to tell you but it IS just one day at a time, you’ll get there!
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