Medtronic stimulator


Staff member
Last May I had the implamt done, because of recurring UTI"S. In the beginning it did work ok. I had a hip replacement August 26,19. In October everything went down hill. I had so much lower back pain and was leaking all the time. I kept calling the no avail. Finally I contacted the company and told them the situation. (One nurse in the office said, well you can't be having pain from the simulator, i said, ih really, you have one??) So I guess the company called that office, because the rep called me the next day. Said they were sending me an order for a xray. I didn't want to make the trip for the results, but i did. Guess what one of the leads had come out of place, and was digging into the nerve by my tail bone. Feb 26, 2020 he implanted another one, and im still having issues. I've changed the program, made the impulses lighter and then raised the impulses higher...I'm at a loss...I'd self cathed for 7 years, and i thought this would be my saving grace...not much.😢 71 yr old female..any suggestions??
Diapers 24/7, and stay in close contact here on these boards to help you feel less depressed and alone with your disorder.
Also, if you haven’t already, try a pessary and all the variety of medications such as Oxybutynin and Myrbetriq.
Not everything can be “cured,” despite current American myths. I’m so sorry your doctor gave you false expectations.
Im with snow but you have to be a relentless advocate for yourself now you have a medical device and onsist they see you treat your issues as they stand surrounding the medtronic device. If it is something to remove then it is. If other meds can help thats great.
Main thing is what is happening right now isnt helping and they need to work 8n 5hat with you, for you.
My urologist has recommended a Medtronic Implant. I have been very nervous about that.I have reached out to this board for feedback and the general reaction on this board has been way more negative than positive. A few people have had success, but more have not. I have not gone ahead with the implant. I am sorry, but I have no words of hope to give you regarding the implant.
I am so sorry. I'm sure you had great expectations for improvement from the surgery. Is there another urologist or urogynecologist in your area that does the procedure who can give you an objective opinion on your implant? Many large academic medical centers have specialists that can help by revising it or removing it as needed. I wish you luck...this is so frustrating.
I’m sorry you have to endure any of these problems. If your doctor says try the implant, I’m in favor of trying it *IF* and only if a secondary opinion doctor also says the same.
What do you have to lose by trying an implant? I’d try one myself if I could, but because my L1 through S1 is so severely damaged that I have to have a twice-yearly MRI of that region, they won’t put an implant in an area that regularly needs to be MRI’d.
This IS my second implant, both times my insurance company was billed $23,000.00...and it WAS my second opinion, first was Cleveland Clinic.
Does it get good gas mileage?
My urologist has been trying to get one as well but will have to wait till after all this stuff.
I know its a cranky opinion but i hate that anyone with very good insurance is a guinea pig for new devices.
Especially a senior citizen.
To add to my comment, i believe we need new devices and treatments but its a catch 22 when YOU are the recipient of a gadget or medication.
An inventor invents a new fda approved device in (for example) the last five to ten years. A sales person from the devices owner company, a company paid instructor and medical doctors go to conferences and demonstrate/video, lecture etc on the new device. (I was married to such a trained sales person, he is so well spoken and trained he is mistaken for a doctor, (not his deception, their assumption, and the only training doctors get on the device is jis lectures and videos)
The urologists now want to practice the device on patients so they try to cull patients in their practice who can afford via insurance, to pay for the doctor you are seeing to learn to use the device, prescribe the medication, implant it etc.
So you must research if you can how long has the device been on the market but more importantly: How long has YOUR doctor been implanting it? How many times have the implanted prescribed etc?
The difference in experience will vary and some doctors this will be a relatively brand new thing they are learning to do ON YOU.
74 year old male:

I have been wearing one for more than 3 years with success at relieving urgency and frequency. However, I have had to work with my doctor and the Medtronic rep to get it setup correctly.

My doctor has a lot of experience with these devices. I don't know where you live, but here is my doctor's info:

Kansas City Urology Care
4321 Washington
Suite 5300
Kansas City, Missouri 64111

Life is short, but eternity lasts forever. Trust in Jesus for your salvation - NOT in your own works.
I went through the Resume procedure about a year ago. It is a relatively new procedure, and I feel I was a gunie pig. There was a rep from the manufacturer in the room which means the doctor has not done that many procedures and it is a new procedure. The procedure was the most pain I have ever experienced, and I have had kidney stones, and it did absolutely no good. That has made me very gun-shy about the medtronic device. First time shame on you, the second time shame on me.
Is the medtronic device neuromodulation of the sacral roots? I mention it because if this is here in Spain I had it implanted 3 times an initial one that did not work and took me back to the hospital due to an infection of the electrodes. A second time that did not work either and a third time with another placement technique attacking to another sacred root with which no function ...

¿el dispositivo de medtronic es la neuromodulacion de las raices sacras? Lo comento por que si es este aqui en españa a mi me lo implantaron 3 veces una inicial que no funciono y me llevo de nuevo al hospital por infeccion de los electrodos.Una segunda vez que tampoco funciono y una tercera con otra tecnica de colocacion atacando a otra raiz sacra con lo que ninguna funciono...
Hi Jose,
I think that is what interstim does. They implant something to connect to the nerve and it is supposed to help with incontinence issues. My doc wants me to do it too🙂
Thanks for you post, sorry it didn’t seem to work for you. I imagine it’s tricky to get the wires in the correct place.
Any other options for you?
Hope to hear from you, have a nice day today!
Jim in Maryland
Hola Jim:
A mi me hicieron estas operaciones para mi continencia (NO incontinencia)pero no funciono y no me han ofrecido nada nuevo asi que solo tengo como solución el cateterismo vesical intermitente,
Supongo que esto te llegara en tu idioma (ingles) pero si no me entendieras intentaría enviar traducido.Si quieres mas detalles te envio la direccion de mi blog unamegavejigaenmivida.blogspot,com
Gracias por interesarte en el asunto.
Jose desde España..
It works well for my cousin, as long as she remembers to keep the battery charged.

But like in my case where I get an L-spine MRI at least once per year, doctors won’t implant it if there’s any chance you’ll need a spinal MRI. So I don’t get the interstim option. Not sure it’d be the be the best option for me, anyway.
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