Males: Dribbling Issue


Staff member
I had green laxer light surgery on March 4. Today when I had to pee I could only dribble urine. Has anyone had this happen to them? I’m currently in an ER waiting to be seen.
Be sure to let them know you are only dribbling! From what I have been told, for men this can mean an enlarged prostate or blockage. Urethral strictures can happen as well, or narrowing of the urethral. Be open about your issues and I hope they get resolved soon.

Koigal makes some good points. I would suspect that if you have had normal urinary function from March 4 to now that there is a different underlying reason for your condition.

You are in the right place at the right time. Give the medical staff there a full disclosure of your medical history and any change in medications or supplements you have taken recently.

Please keep us updated on your situation.

I just had a scan of my bladder and I have 25 milliliters in it. I was told by my urologist I could stop taking Tamsulosin too see what happened. The ER doc just told me to start taking it again. I’m now waiting to see if I’ll need a catheter. I’ll 1200 miles from so my fingers are crossed that positive things will happen.
Fingers crossed for you as well that positives will come from this. Catheters are not fun so I hope its temporary.
Don't worry about the doctors & nurses. They've seen it all, been trained, and appreciate the warning.
I was released from the ER at around 6 PM. The doctor gave me three prescriptions to try to remedy my situation. She told me if they didn't start working and I felt "ill" or developed a fever during the night to return to the ER. Here's to hoping that isn't necessary. Thanks, everyone for caring.

BTW, the prescriptions are: Sulfameth/Trimethethoprim (is a combination of two antibiotics: sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim,

one Fluconazole (for a potential yeast infection), and

Phenazopyridine (intended to relax my bladder)

She also told me to restart the Tamsulosin I have taken for years, but my primary urologist told me I could stop it. Guess it does more for me than I or he realized.

Again, thanks to each of you.
25mls is a normal residual for most men. It sounds more like you have post surgery inflammation and I hope it goes away soon for you. You might need to wear some form of protection down there while everything heals.
Has anyone had a bladder stone? That is what was blocking my urethra and causing me to dribble. After leaving the ER around 6 PM and taking the medications prescribed by the ER doc, I urinated at 10 PM and the stone came out. It was about 1/8" (3 mm) across and 1/4" (6 mm) long. I feel fortunate that it passed as quickly and easily as it did. I typically do wear pads to help with leakage and urgency.
@fleemoore Yep, I’ve had a couple of kidney stones. To this day, the first one (when I was just 17) is one of only two pains that has made me pass out, and that’s really saying something, because I’ve fallen down a cliff and broke my pelvis. The other time was when I cracked my forehead 3.5” across. I’ve had a broken sternum, a skull chip, a 3rd-degree burn, and a bunch of surgeries (23, so far). A kidney stone is a 10 out of 10 on the pain scale. Women who’ve both given labor and birthed a child usually say the kidney stone was worse. So congratulations on it being out of you! And you’re right; you’re lucky it wasn’t stuck for long. One male friend of mine suffered with one for two weeks.

People where I live (at the base of the Rockies) in Little Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake, UT, get kidney stones early because the canyon is made primarily of granite, which contains a lot of calcium. So we get it in our drinking water. Many of my friends had kidney stones like I did in high school.

For some reason on my parents’ street, we also have had A LOT of melanoma. Out of about 20 houses, 9 have had melanoma, including me. I got mine at age 40. That same year, the next door neighbors lost their daughter of 32 to it. Now her mother is dying of it. Weird trend!
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