male 69 asks when is the best time to take finasteride/Flomax for nocturia


Staff member
Hello All,

I have been prescribed these two meds for nocturia. I have taken them in the morning and it seems to remove the urge to pee during the day. However at night the nocturia symptoms seem to persist. So I am thinking the best time to take them might be later in the day or at night. Any thoughts out there on this ?

Thanks everyone.
I'm on low dose finasteride to prevent hair loss, I was instructed to take "once daily", sorry I'm not more helpful.
I always took mine at 6pm in the evening. It did seem to help more when I took it then. But it never worked for me as well as I hoped it would. But like I said it did help a little. And anything was better than what I was going through.
Good Luck to you.
Like you I have nocturia. I was up 5 times last night. Today I had a two-week follow-up appointment after having an Interstim device implanted. FWIW, it won't help with nocturia. I asked my doc if he felt Desmopressin would be worth a try and he agreed it should be beneficial. @snow has warned how it can affect one's sodium level, but my doc said he has not seen that in any of his patients. (@snow, I will let you know if anything negative happens.)

I will take my first dose (.1 mg) tonight and see if it makes any difference in the number of times I pee.

I'll report back to this thread, shep9000, to let you know about tonight and future nights.

Again, FWIW, I took Flomax for years and it did not help.
Thank you so much for the feedback. I am not a diabetic so this would not work for
Me. But good luck on the med hope it works for you !
i split my finasteride with a pill splitter and take half in the morning and half in the evening, and it seems to work better.
@CES97 is it helping with hair loss?

Are Flomax and Finasteride only for men? They’ve never been offered to me. I forgot the names of everything I tried 6-7 years ago, though, too.

@fleemoore Yayyyyy, thank you! I’m going to ask my new urologist about it, too.
Oh, now I see after online research, yep, just for men: prostate meds.

I’m so sick of there not being any female-specific medications to help with post-menopausal enjoyment of sex, for female hair loss, or for loss-of-estrogen-related incontinence. Just wearing estrogen patches and creams doesn’t fix much.
I hear you Snow.
After finding every type of birth control for women either poisoned me or pained me I confronted my male gyno with this and said what does your wife use???? Hmmmm???
@Maymay941 Exactly! I’m still on birth control that they say reduces the risk of cancer after Premature Menopause caused by cancer. But yeah, it’s pretty hilarious that now I’m not not taking birth control to avoid pregnancy! Fortunately Yasmin a.k.a. Ocella works okay for me, though sometimes I wonder if I quit taking it, if my sex drive might return and I could return to the land of the living. Maybe I would lose weight. Likely, the cancer risk is too high to go off of it without ending up with a total hysterectomy. I still have my eggs and my upper uterus. I wasn’t supposed to get Premature Menopause with a Partial Hysterectomy, but about 9% do. I’m going to ask my new Endocrinologist what fe/she thinks. You’re right: finding a birth control that works for you is sooooooo hard, much more challenging than men realize.
Snow what I ended up with that works is three sticks bedded in the arm but your situation is one for the docs.
Snow whoops I think I've hijacked the post inadvertently from the concept of male hair los and incontinence sorry everyone!
But hair loss and incontinence wove a tangled web of inequality of medicine for the sexes.
@Maymay941 It’s okay; we’re all just having conversations and they naturally wander. You’re right; female hair loss happens to every woman and there aren’t any medications for it. I lost more than half my hair when my first fiancé died when we were 27, a “typical widow reaction,” I was told. At 27?!!!! A lot of it has filled back in and I take really good care of it but it sure would have been nice to have a female version of Finasteride back then. More women are wearing wigs than men realize. I was verrrrrrry lucky to escape that fate. Blondes and fair people have thin hair to begin with.

@CES97 and other guys, does it really help with hair loss? For your sake, I sure hope so. Today’s beauty/handsome standards are utterly unnatural and impossible to keep up with.
snow said:
@CES97 is it helping with hair loss?

I noticed a little hair loss when I began testosterone until I started the low dose finasteride then it stopped. I can't say that I see more hair, just keeping what I already have.
My doctor told me to take Tamsulosin/Flomax in the evening.

NOTE: This is so important!
Anyone who takes this drug, and later has cataract surgery, be sure to tell the surgeon that you have taken it in the past - even if it was only for a short time. This drug relaxes the iris of the eye and causes complications during eye surgery. In my case, I just had cataract surgery. I told the surgeon about my taking Tamsulosin, so he administered some drops that temporarily cancelled the effects of that drug. The surgery was successful. Another downside to Tamsulosin is that my iris can no longer close enough in bright light - especially sun light. So, I must close window shades and use lamps. I also must use sunglasses.
@MezaJarJarBinks Horrible! If you can get direct sunlight, make sure you get enough Vitamin D through a supplement.
snow said:
@MezaJarJarBinks Horrible! If you can get direct sunlight, make sure you get enough Vitamin D through a supplement.
Yes, I sure do; especially since I have osteoporosis too. I have to take D, calcium, Strontium citrate, K (MK4 & MK7), etc., etc.

Also, my many other medications I take warn me to stay out of sunshine.
@MezaJarJarBinks Sorry to hear that; it would be hard to have avoid one of the most natural things in life: sunlight. Depression-wise, I couldn’t handle it. I have to make sure that my windows face south so I can get as much direct light as possible. Unfortunately, six months ago, I moved into a place that faced west. I regret it; it’s been harder to cope with the seventh deepest winter on record - and we have March, April, and May left for more snow and grey days, so we’ll probably make it into the top five deepest winters. Lots of sandbagging going on around here because if it heats up quick which it’s done in the past, we’ll end up with major flooding. Anyway, what a bummer, to miss the light.
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