Lower Back Pain


Staff member
A lot of lower back pain lately. I think it's more spinal than muscular, which would concur with my neurological issues a couple years ago. It could also explain some of my urgency issues too, I think? A couple years ago, they did extensive MRI's on my brain and brain stem, but couldn't come to a conclusion and most of the symptoms went away on their own.

I've been experiencing an unexpected dry spell, for the most part, for the past month or so, but now it seems like it's coming back. SO unpredictable!!

I think they only did my brain and brain stem because my shoulder was involved. I can't help but wonder if they had done my lower spine if they may have found evidence of an old injury not previously noticed. It could explain my bladder issues. I've been in a number of minor accidents when I was younger, but none in the past 20+ years. The only other thing I can think of to explain this is a possible degenerative condition.

I've been checked over for prostate and bladder issues/cancer twice in the past 4 years. Could an old injury redevelop 20 years later? I'm kind of thinking more a degenerative neurological condition.

I need to get my health insurance straight before going through a bunch of tests and scans.
Hi Spice,
Sounds like you could be on to something there, and Libbymac too.
Maybe your doc can have some xrays done to get an initial idea of your spine? Then go to the mri?
Hope you are well. Lower back pain isn’t any fun, I have it too. Wish the ibuprofen was a little stronger.
Be well and have an amazing 2020!

Lower back pain can also be kidneys. Don’t mess around with that and get to a doctor for an analysis.
Got the bill/EOB for a recent MRI. $4,100.00. And that's with the discount the Insurance Company negotiates. It doesn't include the cost of whoever reads it, etc. Okay, my co-pay is really low, but it's crazy-scary. The hospital has had the machine for years. It's so busy, you need an appointment weeks in advance, and if the ER needs one, it throws the schedule of appointments for a loop. So its gotta pay for itself. It's an important diagnostic tool. An MRI actually saved my life, once. But I'm aware of how many people lack insurance or their deductible wouldn't cover it, or the co-pay is super-high.
I read, recently, that for every member of Congress, the Medical Industry has 3 or 4 lobbyists.
You figure out what to do. Our fellow citizens haven't voted for the answer, yet, obviously, whatever the answer is.
Agree with Spaz that lower back pain could be a sign of something else. Two years ago I had lower back pain and was at a party with my doctor (who is a friend of mine). He saw me bending over from the back pain, had me lie down on a couch, palpated my stomach, and the next morning I had my Gall Bladder removed - it was getting ready to burst. Please be careful and get yourself checked out. Hope 2020 is a good year for you!
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