Long Covid Update - Some good, some bad!


Staff member
Hey all, thought I'd check in!

Unfortunately Long Covid is still crippling me. Doing a full time Masters was a bit overoptimistic as I feel completely done in just like when I was teaching. However, should be able to switch to part time which will hopefully make things more manageable. It is good to have a reason to get up in the morning and to be able to get out and about now and again though! Have managed to get a virus (not Covid thankfully!) and that appears to be doing a number on all of my nerves.

Went to Destination Star Trek, a big convention in London last week which was so much fun. I felt like a kid in Disneyland and it really made fighting with my body for a year and a half worth it. Was really easy in a wheelchair as well as it was in a big exhibition centre. It felt like a holiday from disability issues as well. Booked to go to a small Doctor Who convention in March as well.

The good news is that after waging war with my local GP surgery and having been denied access to all the major London Long Covid Clinics due to being outside the area, I've finally got a neurology appointment next week and they've been super helpful. They're also confident that via them I could get into one of the major Long Covid research places in London.

Incontinence issues stay the same and I'm finding it more annoying as my mobility gets worse (moving any part of my body is really hard at the moment) as changes become increasingly tiring, awkward and fiddly. It's a massive pain at university as lying on the floor takes its toll and there's no real room for me to spread out. I've raised the lack of a Changing Places facility with them (a university nearby has one). If I could just have a bench to lie on things would be easier.
Very glad to hear from you! Making the most of what you enjoy the most.

Best wishes for real health support from the Nero doc and even from the University.

Your resilient attitude is a huge boost to this community
@Maymay941 Thanks! Have to say I'm not feeling overly resilient at the moment, some days I just want to give up but I keep on trucking.

I think weirdly, considering incontinence has always been part of my life to a degree, it's more all the other stuff that's getting me down the most, especially the brain fog and fatigue.
But you ARE resilient. Your life is interesting and intelligent.

The covid related issues. It hasn't been around long so I don't know what they give that helps with that.
Please jump on the forum to vent or update any time
Hi @Sci_Fi_Fan, Good to hear from you! It sounds like going to that Destination Star Trek was a real boost to you and definitely worth the wait and the planning that you put into making the trip!!! You must have felt like you were in Seventh Heaven and I bet you enjoyed every minute of it!!! And that has to be the highlight of your year!! And with all there was to see there, that wheelchair really made it easy and so much more pleasant!
I'm happy to hear of the progress you made in getting a neurology appointment and that the people there are so helpful and hopeful that you can get into a long covid research place. That must give you some hope.
And you're right in that it is good to have a reason to get up in the morning and get out and see what's going on. I hope that continues for you and gets even better as time goes on.
And do try to switch to part-time as for doing your Master's. After all, a bit of tweaking is to be expected here and there but you will prevail!!!
So just keep on🚛 truckin'! You'll get there!!!!
Sci/Fi fan: Hi!
A reason to get up is helped by having someone to see/interact with, and a place to go. Sure good to see you surviving all this Covid mess and getting out; an inspiration to us all. And reminded us.
We recently lost our dog and now realize just how much he helped us get up and do the things that need to be done (sorry, Garrison!). He was big (110 pounds), and needed a long walk and run twice a day, with some time in between, and at bedtime. You meet nifty people because of dog. Handicapped? Get a small dog! Our neighbor - at 88 - had 2 chihuahuas. In Alaska. Opened the door one winter day and there was a moose. At the door. Staring at him. The dogs just ran out under the moose to go pee. I still smile, thinking of that story.
We're both handicapped, so the next trips to the pound will be looking for a smaller dog; maybe even a senior. Our favorite breed is Rescue. Dogs don't care if you have incontinence - and you can talk to them about it, as long as you do it nice. Sort of like having a baby around - it remind you to be nice. I need that, some days.
Thanks again for reminding us!
Looking forward to hearing about the new (to you) dog.

There's nothing like a big old blockhead to listen and show you the squirrels.
Thanks for the support guys!

@AlasSouth - Don’t think I could handle a pet at the moment; sorry for the loss of your dog. Animals can be great for companionship, my mother used to have a guide dog.

Seems I’m over the cold now as I feel perkier today. Have emailed the university re going part-time. It really sums up how living with a disability is as time consuming as working full-time!

Hardly a massive cause for celebration but I found that my nappy supplier had 10% off due to all the Black Friday deals so have saved some money there. Also feel secure knowing I’ve got a store now as there are still big supply issues due to Brexit over here.

Booked transport for my appointment next week - really early in the morning when my bladder is at its worst and liquids tend to go straight through me but I guess they’ll be understanding if I need to change when I get there.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the States!
Thank you @Sci_Fi_Fan, it's friends like you from all over who make us especially thankful today and every day!!! Even though there is no Thanksgiving in the UK, I still hope you have a really good day and it's good you feel you've kicked your cold in the butt and you feel perkier now!!
I like your observation that living with a disability is as time consuming as working full time. I think that is very true!
And @AlasSouth, I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your dog who has been a great and loving companion all these years. No one can take that away from you!
I hope you get to the pound soon and find a smaller dog. As for an older dog? Sure, why not!!!! They need to finish out their years in a loving home too, just like older people!!!! 😊😊😊
Sci Fi Fan - I echo MayMay - you are resilient!! No way you could have done all that you have done and enjoy so much in your life if you weren't.

Can you try not drinking anything in the morning before your neuro appt?

Alas South - So sorry about the loss of your big dog. I wish you well in finding a new-to-you smaller dog to adopt. I am a huge dog lover. Lost my little Whiskey in Aug 2020. I adopted him when he was about 1 1/2, and we were together for 15 years. I also have a doggie daycare and boarding business. Great fun having 7 dogs here for Thanksgiving!
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